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2016-09-12 17:26:29| 人氣2,364| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(622)Mercy, Mercy, Mercy

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這原是首爵士樂演奏曲,是奧地利籍鍵盤手兼作曲家Joe Zawinul寫給朋友美國中音薩克斯風手Julian “Cannonball”Adderley的,也作為其專輯《Mercy, Mercy, Mercy!Live at 'The Club'》的主打曲。專輯於1966發行後,此曲意外的爆紅,橫跨了靈魂及熱門排行榜,分別拿下了第2及第11名。不僅如此,在1967也為Cannonball Adderley奪得了一座最佳爵士樂器演奏的葛萊美獎。

曲子紅了,之後的「翻奏」者自然也是一大堆。而別出心裁的是,The Buckinghams樂團將此曲填上詞,1967以同名的歌曲形式推出。看來是有搭上原曲的熱潮,在告示牌熱門100排行榜也獲得了第5名的佳績。

倘是只看「The Buckinghams」的團名,可能會誤以為是英國樂團,而實際上是1966成立於芝加哥的團體,說是為了反思當時正盛行的「英倫入侵 ( British invasion )」,故意的取了此團名,而也可說是源自於家鄉芝加哥的噴泉地標「Buckingham Fountain」。姑不論The Buckinghams是否有取巧想混充當時正夯的英國樂團,其在1967的成績確實不凡,該年就有5首入榜前40名的歌曲,不僅拿下年度的銷售冠軍,也被「告示牌雜誌」指為是該年在美國被聽得最多的樂團。

My baby she may not a-look
Like one of those bunnies out of a Playboy Club
But she got somethin' much greater than gold
Crazy 'bout that girl 'cause she got so much soul

I said she got the kind of lovin'
Kissin' and a-huggin'
Sure is mellow
Glad that I'm her fellow and I know
That she knocks me off my feet
Have mercy on me
'Cause she knocks me off my feet
There is no girl in the whole world
That can love me like you do

My baby when she walks by
All the fellows go, ooooooo, and I know why
It's simply 'cause that girl she looks so fine
And if she ever leaves me
I would lose my mind

She got the kind of lovin'
Kissin' and a-huggin'
Sure is mellow
Glad that I'm her fellow and I know
That she knocks me off my feet
Have mercy on me
'Cause she knocks me off my feet, hey
There is no girl in the whole world
That can love me like you do

Yeah, everybody in the neighborhood
Will testify that my girl she looks so good
And she's so fine
She'd give eyesight to the blind
And if she ever leaves me I would lose my mind

She got the kind of lovin'
Kissin' and a-huggin'
Sure is mellow
Glad that I'm her fellow and I know
That she knocks me off my feet
Have mercy on me
'Cause she knocks me off my feet
There is no girl in the whole world
That can love me like you do

Baby, yeah, you got that soulful feel
Yeah, it's all right
Mercy, mercy

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(623)Blue Moon of Kentucky
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(621)Because I Love You

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