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2013-08-27 05:39:18| 人氣2,696| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(148)My Rifle,My Pony and Me

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我年輕的時候算是有常看電影,且那時還滿流行西部片的,印象較深刻的有:亞倫賴德主演的「原野奇俠」(Shane)、尤伯連納主演的「豪勇七蛟龍」(The Magnificent Seven)等,而西部片演得最多的當然就是約翰韋恩(John Wayne)了,我所記得比較經典的有「驛馬車」(Stagecoach)和以下要說的這部「赤膽屠龍」(Rio Bravo)。





這部片子雖然有美腿大美女安姬狄金遜(Angie Dickinson)助陣,但演出普普。我認為,主要還是狄恩馬丁(Dean Martin)的角色和演技表現突出,以及片中的這首插曲《My Rifle,My Pony and Me》,才是使得影片成功最重要的因素。 

影片中彈吉它唱歌的小伙子是Ricky Nelson,也是位歌手,待下次再來介紹他的歌曲。



The sun is sinking in the west
The cattle go down to the stream
The redwing settles in the nest
It's time for a cowboy to dream

Purple light in the canyons
That's where I long to be
With my three good companions
Just my rifle, pony and me

Gonna hang (gonna hang) my sombrero (my sombrero)
On the limb (on the limb) of a tree (of a tree)
Coming home (coming home) sweetheart darling (sweetheart darling)
Just my rifle, pony and me
Just my rifle, my pony and me

(Whippoorwill in the willow
Sings a sweet melody
Riding to Amarillo)
Just my rifle, pony and me
No more cows (no more cows) to be roping (to be roping)
No more strays will I see
Round the bend (round the bend) she'll be waiting (she'll be waiting)
For my rifle, pony and me
For my rifle, my pony and me


台長: 流浪阿狗
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