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2014-11-09 07:52:13| 人氣6,089| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(348)Looking for Freedom

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對於David Hasselhoff ( 大衛漢索霍夫 ),大家最熟知的應該是他在電視影集「霹靂遊俠 ( Knight Rider )」中飾演的李麥克。其實他也是位歌星,他在1989推出的單曲《Looking for Freedom》( 此曲最早是由德國歌手Marc Seaberg於1978發行 ),獲得了西德排行榜八週的冠軍。同年,柏林圍牆倒塌,David Hasselhoff也在德國有始以來最大的新年派對,穿著鑲有不斷閃爍燈泡的黑色外套,站在柏林圍牆頂上演唱這首歌。自此,這首《尋找自由》似成了見證柏林圍牆倒塌的代表性紀念歌曲。

其實,這首歌的內容講的是一位富人的兒子,寧用自己的方式來闖蕩世界,而非凡事接受父親的給予和安排。美國網路電台AOL Radio的Matthew Wilkening將這首歌列為歷來100大爛歌的第98名,所持的意見是Hasselhoff 「testifies to the power of music — horrible, horrible music — to unite and uplift us all. 」大概是認為Hasselhoff太自以為是,不爽之下而給予的排名吧。


One morning in June, some twenty years ago
I was born a rich man's son
I had everything that money could buy
But freedom I had none
I've been looking for freedom, I've been looking so long
I've been looking for freedom, still the search goes on
I've been looking for freedom, since I left my home town
I've been looking for freedom, still it can't be found
I headed down the track, my baggage on my back
I left the city far behind
Walking down that road with my heavy load
Trying to find some ease of mind
Father said, "You'll be sorry, son if you
Leave your home this way and when you realize
The freedom money buys
You'll come running home someday"
I've been looking for freedom, I've been looking so long
I've been looking for freedom, still the search goes on
I've been looking for freedom, since I left my home town
I've been looking for freedom, still it can't be found
I made a lot of dues, had plenty to lose
Traveling across the land
Worked on a farm, got some muscle in my arms
But still I'm not a self-made man
I feel the run for many years to come
I'll be searching door to door
And given some time, someday I'm gonna find
The freedom, freedom, freedom I've been searching for
I've been looking for freedom, I've been looking so long
I've been looking for freedom, still the search goes on
I've been looking for freedom, since I left my home town
I've been looking for freedom, still it can't be found
I've been looking for freedom, I've been looking so long
I've been looking for freedom, still the search goes on
I've been looking for freedom, since I left my home town
I've been looking for freedom, still it can't be found

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(349)Indian Giver
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(347)Paperback Writer

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