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老歌亂談(349)Indian Giver

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當我們收到一份禮物的時候,真的就是白白得到一份禮物了嗎?倒也未必。有些或是為有所求,有些或冀望它日能「禮尚往來」。而對早期的美國印弟安人來說,則完全不是這種概念。印弟安人沒有所謂的「禮物」說,一切的給予都是「以物易物」。甚至譬如某次以自己的狗和拓荒移民換了一堆豆子,改天想想不妥,又會要以豆子換回自己的狗。所以「Indian Giver」的意思是→顯然送禮的人是有在等著等值的回贈,或是它日會將已送人的禮物給要回去。

這首《Indian Giver》是美國流行樂團1910 Fruitgum Company於1969所發行專輯中的歌曲,入榜13週,最高名次為第5名。而在錢櫃1969的總排行榜,這首歌則名列50。另,此曲也在該年獲得了銷售超過百萬張的金唱片。

1910 Fruitgum Company雖然唱的都是所謂bubblegum的流行曲,但我頗喜歡這類歌曲,因為節奏簡捷輕快流暢。而且這首歌到後段及結束前漸轉為高亢,想像在舞台上演唱此曲一定很棒,現場的情緒也會稍跟著High吧!


I can still remember
It wasn't long ago.
Things you used to tell me,
You said I had to know.
Told me that you loved me
And that you always would.
Then I said I loved you.
You said that that was good.
Girl, you made a promise, said you'd never want me to go.
Oh no!
Indian giver, Indian giver,
You took your love away from me.
Indian giver, Indian giver,
Took back the love you gave to me.
Baby, I was feeling
The way I want to feel.
You had me believing
The love we had was real.
Things we did together
You said they'd never end.
"Now until forever." Yeah, that was what you said.
Girl, when I was down, I knew you'd always be there.
Oh, yeah!
Indian giver, Indian giver,
You took your love away from me.
Indian giver, Indian giver,
Took back the love you gave to me

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(350)Dead flowers
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(348)Looking for Freedom

2014-11-11 16:23:39
之前介紹過1910 Fruitgum Company的兩首歌:

《Special Delivery》

《Simon Says》
2014-11-11 16:44:15
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