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2024-07-21 10:10:14| 人氣2,601| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(1219)Forever Ain't Long Enough

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此為貝拉米兄弟 ( Bellamy Brothers ) 的歌曲,收錄在其1990的專輯《Reality Check》中,似未另發行單曲。

202480歲的美國鄉村歌手Gene WatsonBellamy兄弟的邀請 ( 兩兄弟也不遑多讓,年紀分別為7774 ),一起重新演繹此首鄉村情歌,除了錄成音樂影帶,也準備一起在大奧普里( Grand Ole Opry ) 表演。


Gnene Watson60年代即開始從事鄉村音樂表演,自1975發行單曲迄1992,年年都有入榜歌曲,而其最著名的招牌歌,應為1979的《Farewell Party》了 ( 後其專屬樂隊亦以此為名 )2020Gene Waston接受Vince Gill的引薦參加Grand Ole Opry的表演 ( 沒在Grand Ole Opry表演過,似在鄉村音樂界沒掛上過認證勳章。 ),年邁的Waston應是有另一番的感慨在心頭吧!




Forever ain't long enough to hold you in my arms
These feelings are strong enough to just go on and on
Infinity don't mean a thing, we're blessed from up above
Forever ain't long enough when it comes to our love

We can't measure its deepness
We don't know how far it goes
All we can find is the sweetness
That's enough to let us know

Forever ain't long enough to hold you in my arms
These feelings are strong enough to just go on and on
Infinity don't mean a thing, we're blessed from up above
Forever ain't long enough when it comes to our love

Time stands still, years go by (years go by, oh, oh, oh)
Everything fades, but our love just won't die
Infinity don't mean a thing, we're blessed from up above
Forever ain't long enough when it comes to our love
Forever ain't long enough when it comes to our love


Farewell Party

When the last breath of life
Is gone from my body
And my lips are as cold as the sea
When my friends gather 'round
For my farewell party
Won't you pretend you love me?
There'll be flowers from those
Who cry when I'm gone
And leave you in this world alone
I know you'll have fun
At my farewell party
I know you'll be glad when I'm gone
Don't be mad at me for wanting to keep you
'Til my life on this old world is through
You'll be free at the end of my farewell party
But I'll go away loving you
There'll be flowers from those
Who cry when I'm gone
And leave you in this ol' world alone
I know you'll have fun
At my farewell party
I know you'll be glad when I'm gone
Oh, I know you'll be glad when I'm gone

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1220)What's A Matter Baby ( Is It Hurting You?)
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1218)We Can't Go On This Way

2024-07-25 07:01:07
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