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老歌亂談(837)Reminds Me of You

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北愛爾蘭歌手Van Morrison從早期擔任Them樂團的主唱,到後來的單飛,曲風確實有頗多的轉變。或許和許多藝術家一樣,想以另類不同的表現手法 ( 如畢卡索的抽象畫 ),來顯示對該項藝術的昇華?

Van Morrison曾獲頒爵級的大英帝國勳章 ( OBE ),在姓名前可冠 「Sir」,此殊榮在英國眾多歌手中,目前尚未達10人,可見其在音樂上的貢獻和地位。此首《Reminds Me of You》出自1999的專輯《Back On Top》,此為Van Morrison自1978的《Wavelength》後,在美國排行榜成績最佳的專輯 ( # 28 )。Allmusic的樂評James Crispell給予諸多好評及4顆星的評價 ( 最高似為5顆星 ),而滾石雜誌的樂評James Hunter在總結意見中的一句:「 But it's still one Monet and nine Norman Rockwells」 ( Norman Rockwells主要是替美國報紙畫插畫,雖然也算是位重要畫家,但地位實在無法和法國印象派大師Monet﹝莫內﹞相比。), Hunter說此的意思,應該是認為專輯中只有一首是佳作,

此首《Reminds Me of You》是Morrison在1996與Michelle Rocca分手後完成的,但一直擱著三年後才錄 ( 有可能是過沒多久倆人又復合了 )。Michelle Rocca算是個名媛,曾參加選美當選過「愛爾蘭小姐」。首任丈夫是個足球員 (1981─1990),之後又與航空業大亨的兒子交往,並生了一個女兒,但倆人僅訂婚一年即分手 ( 1990─1991 )。Morrison與Rocca相識於1992,後漸漸地在一起。由於倆人間的曖昧關係,常會上地方新聞的八卦專欄。至於倆人何時正式結婚,有資料顯示是在2006 ( 倆人的首位女兒也是在該年出生 ),雖然倆人在一起的時間長達26年,但最終還是在今年 ( 2018 ) 以離婚收場。

Van Morrison & Michelle Rocca

《Reminds Me of You》( 讓我想起了你 ),顯然是首心情哀戚的思念歌曲,尤其對一些才失去至親友人、或是才離開一段親密的關係的人,聽來應較有感觸。

I miss you so much, I can't stand it
Seems like my heart, is breaking in two
My head says no but my soul demands it
Everything I do, reminds me of you
I miss you so much, in this house full of shadows
While the rain keeps pouring down, my window too
When will the pain, recede to the darkness
From whence it has come, and I'm feeling so blue
Ain't goin'down, no more to the well
Sometimes it feels like, I'm going to hell
Sometimes I'm knocking, on your front door
But I don't have nothing, to sell no more
Seems like the spirit, is pushing me onwards
I'm able to see, where I tripped and went wrong
I'll just have to guess, where my soul will find comfort
And I miss you so much, when I'm singing my song
Ain't goin' down, no more to the well
And sometimes it seems, I'm going to hell
You'll find me knocking, on your front door
But I don't have nothing, to sell no more
Seems like my spirit, is pushing me onwards
'Till I'm able to see where, I tripped when I went wrong
I'll just have to guess, where my soul will get comfort
I miss you so much, when I'm singing my song
I miss you so much, I can't stand it
Seems like my heart is breaking in two
My head says no, but my soul demands it
And everything I do, reminds me of you
Everything I do, reminds me of you
Everything I do, reminds me of you
作詞/作曲:Van Morrison

台長: 流浪阿狗
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