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老歌亂談(993)I've Got Dreams to Remember

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1982,台長曾赴綠島出差,搭乘的是8人座的小飛機,回程時遭遇厚雲層小亂流,感覺機翼震動、支架嘎嘎作響,真的有點擔心飛機會解體,最後當然還是平安降落。1967,美國黑人靈魂歌手Otis Redding為了作秀趕場,雖天候不佳,仍執意率專屬樂團團員搭機前往,結果飛機墜毀在距目的地不遠處的Monona湖 ( 失事原因迄今不明 ),包含Redding、樂手及飛行員共7人罹難。唯一一位生還的團員,竟然說是在墜湖前解開了他的安全帶。

Otis Redding搭乘的同型機--Beechcraft model 18

Otis Redding本已嶄露頭角,是顆向上耀升的巨星,無奈才26歲就殞落了。令人意外的是他在生前就錄製好存檔的歌曲,竟然夠出3張專輯。1968,身後第一張專輯中的《( Sittin' On ) The Dock of the Bay》,奪下了流行和節奏藍調排行榜的雙料冠軍,也成為了Otis Redding最為知名的歌曲。此首《I've Got Dreams to Remember》則為第2張專輯中的歌曲,成績也不差,分別在流行及節奏藍調排行榜拿下第41和第6名。

翻唱此曲的歌手也不少,包含有之前才介紹過的Etta James,以及唱紅《When A Man Loves A Woman》的Percy Sledge等等。以下另貼白人藍調歌手Delbert McClinton的版本,雖然嗓音和黑人的有所差異,但也同樣地具有韻味。歌曲大意是說女友劈腿,也被他親眼看見與人親吻、擁抱,而即使如此,仍希望女友能留下來,這有點像是「情癡」了。其實,若對方心已動搖,就算自己表現大度或苦苦哀求,最後對方同意留下,達成了自己的夢想,恐也只是一時的。


Percy Sledge

亂談(98)(Sittin’On) The Dock of the Bay


亂談(61) When A Man Loves A Woman



I've got dreams, dreams to remember
I've got dreams, dreams to remember

Honey, I saw you there last night
Another man's arms holding you tight
Nobody knows what I feel inside
All I know, I walked away and cried

I've got dreams
Dreams to remember
Listen to me
(I've got dreams) rough dreams (dreams to remember)

I know you said he was just a friend
But I saw him kiss you again and again
These eyes of mine, they don't fool me
Why did he hold you so tenderly?

I've got dreams
Dreams to remember
Listen, honey
(I've got dreams) rough dreams (dreams to remember)

I still want you to stay
I still love you anyway
I don't want you to ever leave
Girl, you just satisfy me, ooh-wee

I know you said he was just a friend
But I saw you kiss him again and again
These eyes of mine, they don't fool me
Why did he hold you so tenderly?

I've got dreams
Dreams to remember
Listen to me, mama
(I've got dreams) bad dreams, rough dreams, oh (dreams to remember)
Don't make me suffer, don't let me
(I've got dreams, dreams, dreams to remember) rough dreams, bad dreams, rough dreams


台長: 流浪阿狗
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