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老歌亂談(934)If You Gotta Go, Go Now

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此曲為Bob Dylan於1964所寫,首由英國樂團The Liverpool Five於1965作為單曲發行,儘管在美國獲得許多的電台播放,但仍未能進入排行榜。同年9月,另個英國樂團Manfred Mann也發行此單曲,卻在英國排行榜獲得了第2名的佳績。( 想來是嚐到了甜頭,Manfred Mann在1968又再翻唱Bob Dylan的《Mighty Quinn》,這次收獲更豐,拿下了英國排行榜的冠軍。)

Bob Dylan自己在1965/01也分別錄過幾個不同版本的原聲帶,製作人Tom Wilson將其中的母帶另找人配音及多重錄製,最後實際發行的有兩個版本:Take 5 ( 第5次錄製 ) 於1967在荷蘭發行,但未能入榜。Take 7 收錄在1991的專輯《The Bootleg Series Volumes 1–3 ( Rare & Unreleased ) 1961–1991》中。除了上述在荷蘭,Bob Dylan從未在英、美發行過此曲的單曲,而Dylan其他的版本,有陸續出現在他Bootleg系列的專輯中。( :Bootleg的意思,主要是指粉絲自己私錄的一些影音,或是在錄音室中的非正式錄音。)

此曲的歌詞也滿有趣的。女生晚上在男子的住所,一直在問時間,男子就說:假如妳想離開,現在就可以走,否則妳整晚就要待在這裡了。感覺男子的態度有些冷淡和催促,其實不然,倘女子自願留下,接下來可能會發生的事雙方都清楚。男子對女子的要走要留,表現出一副無所謂的樣子 ( 也算是有些臭屁說 ),或許覺得被自動投懷送抱的滿足感會有些不一樣吧! ( 哈哈!歌曲各自詮釋解讀。)

1969,英國樂團Fairport Convention將此曲改為法文歌《Si Tu Dois Partir》發行,成績也不錯,在英國排行榜獲得第21名,也是該團唯一入榜的歌曲。


亂談(889)Who Knows Where The Time Goes / Fairport Convention

Listen to me, baby
There's something you must see
I want to be with you, gal
If you want to be with me
But if you got to go
It's all right
But if you got to go, go now
Or else you gotta stay all night
It ain't that I'm questionin' you
To take part in any quiz
It's just that I ain't got no watch
An' you keep askin' me what time it is
But if you got to go
It's all right
But if you got to go, go now
Or else you gotta stay all night
I am just a poor boy, baby
Lookin' to connect
But I certainly don't want you thinkin'
That I ain't got any respect
But if you got to go
It's all right
But if you got to go, go now
Or else you gotta stay all night
You know I'd have nightmares
And a guilty conscience, too
If I kept you from anything
That you really wanted to do
But if you got to go
It's all right
But if you got to go, go now
Or else you gotta stay all night
It ain't that I'm wantin'
Anything you never gave before
It's just that I'll be sleepin' soon
It'll be too dark for you to find the door
But if you got to go
It's all right
But if you got to go, go now
Or else you gotta stay all night

台長: 流浪阿狗
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