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2018-05-24 15:45:08| 人氣2,547| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(836)Jam Up and Jelly Tight

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談到Bubblegum Pop ( 泡泡糖流行樂 ),最具代表性的歌曲應該是1969 The Archies的《Sugar Sugar》以及稍早些Tommy Roe的《Dizzy》。The Archies原為虛擬卡通樂隊,歌曲紅了之後,不得不找原唱出來露臉促銷。而Tommy Roe則因該曲被定位為Bubblegum歌手。

此首《Jam Up and Jelly Tight》為Tommy Roe與人合寫,在1969年底發行,或許是想趁勝追擊,可以感覺到還是有些《Dizzy》的曲風。果然成績也不差,在加拿大和澳洲都為第5名,在美國告示牌則為第8,也是他第4張的「金唱片」。

70年代初期之後,Tommy Roe的歌唱事業開始下滑,不過還是會出現在一些演唱會的場合。在奮戰了55年之後,終於在今年 ( 2018 ) 2月在他的臉書宣佈正式退休,除了感謝粉絲的支持,也希望他的音樂能繼續帶給大家開心及生活中的喜悅。

關於「Jam Up and Jelly Tight」的意思,依據Tommy Roe的說法,是他父親常會說的口頭禪 ( 也是美國南方的俚語?Roe的出生地是喬治亞州的亞特蘭大 ):無論是看到一盤美味的甜點,或是一位漂亮的女生,都會說出這句「Jam Up and Jelly Tight」,當然,對其他美好的事物也是。這「或許」有點類似我們在日常生活中,遇到端出一盤好菜、拿出一瓶好酒、擊出一記好球,或是女性朋友妝扮美麗入時,也常會說的「水喔」「讚啊」!英文真的不太好懂,若單看字面,應該是猜不出這首歌名的意思。



Jam up and jelly tight
My, my, my, my baby
Now you're outta sight
Jam up and jelly tight
You look a little naughty
But you're so polite
Jam up and jelly tight
You won't say you will but
There's a chance that you might

I said the first day I met you
Someday I'm gonna catch you
Now you're here and baby I love it
So come on and give me some lovin

Jam up and jelly tight
My, my, my, my baby
Now you're outta sight
Jam up and jelly tight
You look a little naughty
But you're so polite
Jam up and jelly tight
You won't say you will but
There's a chance that you might

You've got a sweet disposition

So come on and give me permission
For one kiss and maybe another
You'll see we were meant for each other

Jam up and jelly tight
My, my, my, my baby
Now you're outta sight
Jam up and jelly tight
You look a little naughty
But you're so polite
Jam up and jelly tight
You won't say you will but
There's a chance that you might

Jam up and Jelly Tight
Jam up and Jelly Tight, yeah

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(837)Reminds Me of You
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(835)Sweet Seasons

曲風的確和Dizzy 很相近,台長以前貼的HQ連結音質很好,前兩年又有人傳了配合舞蹈的Dizzy,從頭扭動到結束,看了以後真的就有頭昏眼花的感覺啦!
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