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老歌亂談(542)When You Walk In The Room

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美國女歌手Jackie DeShannon在1963發行了兩首歌曲 ---《Needles And Pins》和《When You Walk in the Room》,可惜成績均不理想。1964,英國樂團The Searchers翻唱此兩首歌,卻都成了暢銷國際的熱門曲,這種情況對Jackie DeShannon來說,真的是情何以堪。

這首《When You Walk in the Room》是描述當喜歡的對象來到現場時,那種臉紅心跳的感覺,而卻又沒有勇氣向對方表白。時代進步了,兩性關係變得較為開放,現在的年輕人可能比較不能體會那種感覺了吧!^^

The Searchers和披頭合唱團同是出身於英國利物浦,聽The Searchers的曲風,的確也有些「披頭」的味道。國人最熟悉他們的歌曲,應該也是他們翻唱的那首《Love Potion No. 9》。而更厲害的是,該樂團迄今仍有演唱活動。


I can feel a new expression on my face
I can feel a glowing sensation taking place
I can hear the guitars playin' lovely tunes
Every time that you walk in the room

I close my eyes for a second and pretend it's me you want
Meanwhile I try to act so nonchalant
I feel a summer's night with a magic moon
Every time that you walk in the room

Baby it's a dream come true
Standin' right along side of you
Wish I could show you how much I care
But I only have the nerve to stare

I can feel a something pounding in my brain
Just any time that someone speaks your name
Trumpets sound I hear thunder boom
Every time that you walk in the room

台長: 流浪阿狗
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