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老歌亂談(595)Running Bear

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此曲為美國歌手兼作曲家J. P. Richardson ( 一般稱其為The Big Bopper ) 所寫,此位老兄即是當年和Buddy Holly一起巡迴演唱,因得了流感,並抱怨坐巴士太冷及不舒服,結果另位歌手Waylon Jennings讓位給他,因此搭上了「死亡班機」,而成為了「The Day the Music Died」,三位身亡歌手的其中一員。

由於歌曲是「羅密歐與茱麗葉」式的主題內容,寫歌的「大波普」先生覺得不太適合由自己來唱,故將之提供給朋友Johnny Preston來錄。1959,此曲在Richardson意外身故後約半年才推出,1960,此曲分別登上美、英排行榜的冠軍寶座,而也是Johnny Preston唯一的一首冠軍曲。

歌曲中的背後合音包含「Uga-Uga」是由Richardson、George Jones以及製作人Bill Hall參與為之。翻唱此曲的知名歌手包含了George Jones、Tom Jones和The Guess Who等,1971,英國歌手Jonathan King還將此曲「Uga Uga」延伸的合音,置入在他翻唱B. J. Thomas《Hooked On A Feeling》的版本中。

Running Bear( 奔熊?) 是歌曲中一位印地安勇士的名字,與河對岸的一位印地安少女Little White Dove ( 小白鴿 ) 互墜情網,但倆人分屬敵視的部落族群,看來是永遠無法結合,最後是倆人一起跳入河中,奮力的游向對方,當倆人的雙手和雙唇相接,旋即被洶湧的波濤吞噬。然後……Now they'll always be together / In their happy hunting ground。感覺這個故事的結局有點扯,但這種淒美決絕式的愛情,頗受到當時青少年的喜愛。呵呵!﹝愛惜生命!請撥打電話1995﹞

On the bank of the river
Stood running bear
Young Indian brave
On the other side of the river

Stood his lovely Indian maid
Little white dove was her name
Such a lovely sight to see
But their tribes fought with each other
So their love could never be

Running bear loved little white dove
With a love big as the sky
Running bear loved little white dove
With a love that couldn't die

He couldn't swim the raging river
'Cause the river was too wide
He couldn't reach the little white dove
Waiting on the other side

In the moonlight he could see her
Throwing kisses 'cross the waves
Her little heart was beating faster

Waiting for her Indian brave

Running bear loved little white dove
With a love big as the sky
Running bear loved little white dove
With a love that couldn't die

Running bear dove in the water
Little white dove did the same
And they swam out to each other
Through the swirling stream they came

As their hands touched and their lips met
The raging river pulled them down
Now they'll always be together
In their happy hunting ground

Running bear loved little white dove
With a love big as the sky
Running bear loved little white dove
With a love that couldn't die

台長: 流浪阿狗
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