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老歌亂談(1091)I'll Be Faithful to You

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此曲為英國歌手、詞曲作家及唱片製作人Paul Kennerley所寫,首錄發行者為父女檔的The Kendalls (1983),接下來的翻唱者眾多,包含有Don Williams、Glen Campbell、Marie Osmond及Emmylou Harris……等等。

Paul Kennerley在1978及1980分別出了兩張各有主題的「概念專輯」,專輯中也合作了多位知名的鄉村歌手,像是Waylon Jennings、Jessi Colter夫妻,Eric Clapton、Johnny Cash、Emmylou Harris、Levon Helm等,可惜均未能獲致商業上的成功。不過,卻使得Kennerley在寫歌上更為的認真。

1983,Kennerley由倫敦搬往田納西州的納許維爾 (Nashville),協助Emmylou Harris個人專輯的製作,顯然倆人不僅是在事業上合作愉快,1985,倆人更結為連理 ( 為Harris的第三次婚姻 ),至1993才分手。

Paul Kennerley & Emmylou Harris

以下所貼為Don Williams及Ronna Reeves的版本。Ronna Reeves於1990出道 ( 21歲 ),至1998共出過5張錄音室專輯,其中成績最佳的一首單曲是1992的《The More I Learn (The Less I Understand About Love)》,但也只獲得排行榜第49名;同年被提名美國「鄉村音樂學院獎」最佳新人女歌手,可惜仍無緣獲獎。聽Ronna Reeves唱歌,在歌喉、技巧上也有一定的水準,但想要在鄉村歌唱界闖出名號,恐還需要一些機運吧!
對一個才遭受感情創傷的男或女子,「I'll Be Faithful to You」無疑是一句愛的誓言,至於是否能打動對方?也要看時運和緣份了!



I can see your heart is achin'
He hurt you more than he knew
But should you ever want to love again
I'll be faithful to you
You've been crying like a willow
When the night bird sings so blue
Trust was broken but hearts will heal
And I'll be faithful to you
In this world of pain and sorrow
Where a promise won't hold true
Here's a vow you can be sure of
I'll be faithful to you

--- Instrumental ---

So let me dry away your lonesome tears
Like the sun melts morning dew
And I will wrap you up in true, true love
And I'll be faithful to you
In this world of pain and sorrow
Where a promise won't hold true
Here's a vow you can be sure of
I'll be faithful to you
I'll be faithful to you

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1092)Crazy Little Thing Called Love
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1090)Stuck in the Middle with You

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