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2014-01-10 19:31:54| 人氣2,844| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(217)Summer Rain

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出道已50年,迄今仍在巡迴演唱的Johnny Rivers,當然是推出過不少的專輯和單曲,而從頭到尾,卻是只有一首冠軍歌曲《Poor Side of Town》( 見亂談110 )。不過進榜的有29首,前40名的有17首,前10名的也有9首,總括來說,成績還算是不錯的了。 

Johnny Rivers自己唱歌沒得過什麼大獎,後來開唱片公司 ( Soul City Records ),身為The Fth Dimension ( 五度空間合唱團 ) 的唱片製作人,因該團的兩首冠軍曲,反而使他得到了葛萊美獎。 

這首1968的《Summer Rain》,雖然只獲得告示牌排行榜第14名,但卻是Johnny Rivers少數幾首被人熟知的熱門曲之一。 



Summer rain taps at my window
West wind soft as a sweet dream
My love warm as the sunshine
Sittin' here by me, she's here by me-ee-ee
She stepped out of the rainbow
Golden hair shinin' like moon glow
Warm lips soft as a soul
Sittin' here by me, she's here by me-ee-ee
All summer long we spent dancin' in the sand
And the jukebox kept on playin'
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
We sailed into the sunset
Drifted home caught by a gulf stream
Never gave a thought for tomorrow
Just let tomorrow be, now, let tomorrow be-ee-ee

instrumental interlude

She wants to live in the Rockies
She says that's where we'll find peace
Settle down, raise up a fam'ly
To call our own, yeah, well have a home
All summer long we spent groovin' in the sand
Everybody kept on playin'
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
The snow drifts by my window
North wind blowin' like thunder
Our love's burnin' like fire
And she's here by me, yeah, she's here with me-ee-ee
Let tomorrow be-ee-ee-ee

instrumental to end

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(218)Gypsy Woman
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(216)Queen Of The Silver Dollar

5年前Johnny River本要來附近城市演唱,可惜後來取消了,追星不成. 5th Dimention的 Marilyn McCoo, Billy Davis Jr.偶有登台, Bobby Vinton倒是常帶女兒及老媽一起演出,他的Blue Velvet即是開場曲,1986电影藍絲絨主題曲,其中Dennis Hopper巳逝(現代啟示錄Hopper演那亇記者.) 謝謝po文!
2014-01-11 10:14:50
哈哈,5th Dimension的曲風不太合我的味。倒是Bobby Vinton有不少的歌在我們那年代都很紅,像是《Sealed With A Kiss》、《You are My Special Angel》,《I Love How You Love Me》、《Roses are Red My Love》、《Mr. Lonely》......,等以後有機會再來貼。

Dennis Hopper能活到74歲才掛,也勉強算是及格了啦。
2014-01-11 19:37:59
小時候聽Johnny Rivers用阿哥哥的方式唱民謠後,反而不習慣聽一般的唱法.
2014-01-11 21:48:15

我覺得,在5、60年代,應該是受到了貓王的影響,搖滾樂開始萌芽,歌曲的節奏變得加快加重,而現在聽起來,這些也只能算是輕搖滾,Johnny Rivers應也屬之。也沒再過多久的時間,這類搖滾就又被披頭和滾石給打敗了。但經典的好歌仍是百聽而不厭的。
2014-01-18 17:25:30
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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