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2014-01-07 12:44:44| 人氣1,722| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(216)Queen Of The Silver Dollar

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這首歌和之前介紹過的《Sylvia's Mother》( 亂談158),都是鬼才寫歌者Shel Silverstein的作品,也同樣是由Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show ( 虎克醫生和草藥秀合唱團 ) 在1972首錄推出。之後1973有Doyle Holly,1974有Barbi Benton,1975則是Emmylou Harris,以及1976的Dave & Sugar等人的翻唱。


在各個演唱者中,我覺得還是Dave & Sugar這個三人組合唱的版本最好聽,雖然這個版本在美國鄉村歌曲的排行榜只得到了第25名。



She's the queen of the Silver Dollar, she rules a smoky kingdom
A scepter is a wine glass and a bar-stool is her throne
Now the jesters flock around her, tryin’ to win her favors
To see which one will take the queen of the Silver Dollar home

She arrives in all her splendor each night at nine o'clock
Her chariot is a cross-town bus that stops right down the block
Now the ol' piano minstrel plays a tune as she walks in
And the queen of the Silver Dollar’s home again

She's the queen of the Silver Dollar, she rules a smoky kingdom
A scepter is a wine glass and a bar-stool is her throne
Now the jesters flock around her, tryin’ to win her favors
To see which one will take the queen of the Silver Dollar home

Now the royal dress is satin, it’s shabby and it’s torn
The royal jewels are rhinestones, her shoes are scuffed and worn
On the many roads she's been down and the places that she's seen
Well they all look at her and say God save the queen

Now the queen of the Silver Dollar’s not as haughty as she seems
She was once an ordinary girl with ordinary dreams
But there’s a man who found her and brought her to this world
I’m the one who made a queen of a simple country girl

She's the queen of the Silver Dollar, she rules a smoky kingdom
A scepter is a wine glass and a bar-stool is her throne
Now the jesters flock around her, tryin’ to win her favors
To see which one will take the queen of the Silver Dollar home

Lada da da da da da da da la da da da da da da……..


台長: 流浪阿狗
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