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2014-01-04 17:29:53| 人氣2,455| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(215)She’s In Love With You

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我覺得,明星藝人最好是在巔峰時期或是感覺開始要走下坡時,來個急流湧退,如此方能在觀眾心目中留下一個完美令人永遠懷念的形象。Suzi Quatro ( 蘇西奎特蘿 ) 這位當年的動感搖滾女歌手,如今已年過六十,卻仍背著她的那把招牌大貝士,在舞台上嘶吼搖擺,我不知別人的感覺如何,對我來說實在是有些不忍卒睹。

Suzi Quatro出生於一個子女眾多的家庭,父親為半職業的音樂人,她自幼也跟著姊姊們參加自組的女子熱門樂團。1971開始隻身至英國打天下,也是第一位成為搖滾紅星的女性貝士吉他樂手。她在英國及澳洲分別有多首排行榜冠軍及熱門曲,專輯的總銷售量超過了5仟萬張,而其最著名的應該就是和英國Smokie樂團的主唱Chris Norman合唱的那首《Stumblin' In》了。

之前在亂談七有介紹過Suzi Quatro的歌,而這首1979的《She's In Love With You》雖然只得到了第11名,但我覺得實在也很不錯聽,就忍不住再貼上來了 ( 當然,她在2010的現場版就…… )。Suzi Quatro的第一任丈夫,是長期和她在一起的吉他手Len Tuckey,也有出現在下面的影音中,各位猜得出來是哪一位嗎?哈哈哈!(答案在↓↓↓)


She's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you down, she'll never fool around
'Cos she's in love with you

So if you see her all alone one night walk up to her discreetly, ask her why
And if she replies with words that don't make sense it may be just because she's shy
Don't take advantage of her lack of understanding just because you think you could
Treat her right, treat her good, take her home and make her feel the way she should

'Cos she's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you down, she'll never fool around
'Cos she's in love with you
She's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you go, she may not let you know, but she's in love with you

So if you happen to be out one night and someone asks you where you're gonna go
Just remember she's not like the other girls she may not want them all to know
Though she may need a little time she never wants to stand in line the way they would
So treat her nice, treat her good, treat her like you know you should
You may never find another girl like her

'Cos she's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you down, she'll never fool around
'Cos she's in love with you
She's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you go, she may not let you know, but she's in love with you

So take her home and hold her close, touch her where she feels it most, but be true
And when she's making love to you, she'll do what you want her to
Treat her good, treat her like you know you should
You may never find another girl like her

'Cos she's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you down, she'll never fool around
'Cos she's in love with you
She's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you go, she may not let you know, but she's in love with you
She's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you go, she may not let you know, but she's in love with you
'Cos she's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you down, she'll never fool around
'Cos she's in love with you


台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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