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老歌亂談(七十)Once Upon A Time

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談到六零年代香港西洋音樂風,就不能不提Joe Junior先生,他是中葡混血兒,在1965組成了The Zoundcrackers樂隊並擔任主唱,後來受到鑽石唱片公司的賞識,錄製了《I Gotta Find Cupid》及《Once Upon A Time》等歌,但好景不長,樂隊因某些誤會而拆夥。


1967年Joe Junior另成立了The Side Effects樂隊,並重灌了一首《Here's A Heart》,歌曲紅遍大街小巷,銷售量達二萬多張,也刷新了當時的唱片銷售紀錄。


The Zoundcrackers的這首《Once Upon A Time》,我認為是翻唱自「Teddy & The Pandas(1966)」,歌曲結構雖然簡單,但清新流暢,是當年頗流行的西洋歌曲,值得一聽。



Once upon a time, the world was mine
That was once upon a time
Once upon a time, the sun used to shine
In this heart of mine

We used to walk in this one little world I know
Holding hands we could conquer alone
Be as high as the sky
Be as free as the sea

That was once upon a time
When that little girls was mine
That was once upon a time

Oh can you see now
What's that little girl is doing to me
She is making me live in the past
When our love was as high be as free as the sea

That was once upon a time
When that little girl was mine
That was once upon a time
That was once upon a time
That was once upon a time

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(七十一)Reflections OF My Life
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(六十九)Baby It's You

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