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2016-10-06 12:51:36| 人氣1,841| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(629)Here Comes the Night

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假如各位看過1967年由薛尼鮑迪 ( Sidney Poitier ) 主演的《To Sir, with Love》( 台譯:吾愛吾師 ),一定會對和影片同名的主題曲印象深刻,而在片中親自演唱此曲的英國女歌手Lulu,也因此一炮而紅。

回到1964,此首《Here Comes the Night》也是由Lulu率先錄唱發行,可惜成績不佳,在英國排行榜為第50名,在美國則根本無緣進榜。隨後的1965,由北愛爾蘭樂團Them所推出的版本,卻成了熱門曲 ( UK #2 / US #24 ),這應該和Them的主唱Van Morrison有些關係。

Van Morrison頗有才氣,寫唱俱佳,但在個性上也滿固執和特立獨行的。其在1964為樂隊所寫的《Gloria》,由於歌詞和彈奏簡單,成為了車庫搖滾 ( garage rock ) 和一些熱門樂團經常演唱的曲目。1966,Van Morrison離開Them單飛,之後較知名的歌曲為《Brown Eyed Girl》。

可不要小看了Van Morrison。雖然曾經獲頒「大英帝國勳章(Order of the British Empire)」的藝人甚多,但只有在五級爵位中的最高兩級,才可在姓名前冠上 Sir 或 Dame ( 女性 ) ← 非英國人則否。 Van Morrison也名列在被冠上 Sir 的唯 6英國 歌手之一,可見其在音樂上的貢獻和成就 。( 其他5人是披頭樂團的Paul McCartney、被譽為英國貓王的Cliff Richard、滾石樂團的主唱Mick Jagger、Tom Jones以及Elton John。 )

此曲的作者為Bert Berns,也曾寫過《Twist and Shout》、《Hang on Sloopy》、《Under the Boardwalk》等知名暢銷曲,可惜英年早逝,死於風濕熱引發的心臟衰竭,僅享年38歲。

Bert Berns & Van Morrison



Whoa, here it comes
Here comes the night
Here comes the night

I could see right out my window
Walkin' down the street, my girl
With another guy

His arm around her
Like it used to be with me
Whoa, it makes me want to die-I

Well, here it comes
Here comes the night
Here comes the night

There they go
It's funny how they look so good together
Wonder what is wrong with me?
Why can't I, accept the fact she's chosen him
And simply let them be?

Well, here it comes
Here comes the night
Here comes the night

She's with him He's turning down the lights
And now he's holding her
The way I used to do

I could see, her closing her eyes
And tellin' him lies
Exactly like she told me, too

Well, here it comes
Here comes the night
The long, the long and lonely night Night, night, night, night, night, night

Whoa, here comes the night
The long, the long, the long and lonely night

台長: 流浪阿狗
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