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老歌亂談(867)Right Time of the Night

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此曲為Peter McCann這位老兄所寫,當時他還在American Broadcasting Music擔任寫歌的工作,唯將近一年毫無表現 ( 寫出高獲利的歌曲 )。他將此曲唱給老闆聽,老闆聽了後的反應是:將其他的員工叫來一起聽,結果是大家叫笑成一團,應該只是覺得有趣,根本未將此首歌當成一回事。

Peter McCann

之後,Peter McCann找上了Arista唱片公司,為的是想要有出唱片的機會,但Arista的負責人Clive Davis對他想當歌手,直接給予「打槍」,不過,對他所提供的7首歌,倒是接納了6首。當時,Arista正在要替女歌手Jennifer Warnes出專輯,但覺得沒有適合出單曲的歌曲,Clive Davis就將此首《Right Time of the Night》交由Jennifer來唱,併入專輯並準備另發行單曲。

而問題來了,Peter McCann寫這首歌原是要給男生唱的,像是第2段的歌詞:
We'll go drinkin' in some heavy bar
I'll take you night ridin' in my Chevy car
Oh, you and me, baby
We could think of something to do
Jennifer覺得不妥 ( 感覺像是女生早有預謀,要和對方發生親密關係。),想要自己改寫,卻遭到Peter McCann的拒絕,不過,後來McCann還是將之改寫成對女性較友善的:
No use talking when the shadows fall
Nightbird's calling and he says it all

Jennifer的版本於1977推出後在熱門100排行榜獲得第6名,算是她歌唱生涯的突破歌曲。Jennifer Warnes自1971起和加拿大詩人歌手Leonard Cohen有長期的音樂互動關係,從開始擔任Cohen巡演時的合音歌手,到後來成為Cohen許多專輯中的來賓歌手。1986,Jennifer還出了張完全都是Cohen歌曲的專輯《Famous Blue Raincoat》,也使得Cohen的歌曲在美國市場造成震撼。

Jennifer  Warnes & Leonard Cohen

Peter McCann被Arista唱片公司打槍後,對出唱片仍未死心,再找上了20世紀福斯唱片公司,並出了他的首張專輯,而單曲則是當時被Clive Davis在7首中唯一退票的《Do You Wanna Make Love》( 單曲B面是《Right Time of the Night》),結果《Do You……》竟然在熱門100排行榜奪得第5名 ( 比Jennifer的成績還好上1名 )。不知McCann是否有些自我得意?但Jennifer似乎不怎麼喜歡這首《Right Time of the Night》 ( 在後來接受個人訪談時表示不願談論此曲 ),或許是因為她後來有兩首雙人合唱曲《Up Where We Belong》、《(I've Had)The Time of My Life》都是冠軍曲,比這首《Right Time of the Night》要紅太多太多了。

亂談(172)Up Where We Belong

Sun goes down on a silky day
Quarter moon walking through the Milky Way
Oh, you and me, baby
We could think of something to do

It's the right time of the night
The stars are winking above
It's the right time of the night
For making love

No use talking when the shadows fall
Nightbird's calling and he says it all
Oh, you and me, baby
We could think of something to do

It's the right time of the night
The stars are winking above
It's the right time of the night
For making love

I got you and you got me
Tell you, that's the way my mama always said it should be
I'll be cruel, you'll be kind
We'll be bad, if you don't mind

It's the right time of the night
The stars are winking above
It's the right time of the night
For making love

It's the right time of the night
The stars are winking above
It's the right time of the night
For making love

It's the right time of the night
The stars are winking above
It's the right time of the night
For making love

台長: 流浪阿狗
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