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2019-02-26 15:13:55| 人氣3,717| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(903) Deja Vu( All Over Again)

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此曲為美國搖滾歌手John Fogerty於2004年發行的第6張個人專輯《Deja Vu All Over Again》的同名曲。專輯的成績不差,在瑞典排行榜獲得第1名,在美國則是第23名。

Déjà vu是法文,在美國屬外來語,意思是「似曾相識」,也有譯為「既視感」─指人在清醒的狀態下第一次見到某場景,却感覺之前也曾經經歷過,是一種常見於大多數人的生理現象。John Fogerty在領軍CCR ( 清水合唱團 ) 期間(1967-1972),越戰正方興未艾,他所寫的多首歌曲,都被認為與「反戰」有關,像是《Fortunate Son》、《Run through the jungle》、《Who'll stop the rain》等,姑不論以上這些歌曲是否真的隱含了反戰的政治議題,而至少John Fogerty是痛恨厭惡戰爭的。據他說,當年越戰正式結束時,他從車上的收音機聽到這項宣布,他看著收音機並對它說『讓我們確定我們再也不會做那些愚蠢的事了!』而多年之後,當Fogerty聽到小布希總統決定出兵伊拉克時,心想說『不、不、不,不會又來了吧!』這也是Fogerty寫這首歌的緣起。

初聽這首歌,有Eagles ( 老鷹合唱團 )曲風的Fu,也有人認為像是「復古」,彷彿又回到了70年代。2010年10月,美國單方面宣布


亂談(72)Who'll Stop The Rain

Did you hear 'em talkin' 'bout it on the radio
Did you try to read the writing on the wall
Did that voice inside you say I've heard it all before
It's like Deja Vu all over again
Day by day I hear the voices rising
Started with a whisper like it did before
Day by day we count the dead and dying
Ship the bodies home while the networks all keep score
Did you hear 'em talkin' 'bout it on the radio
Could your eyes believe the writing on the wall
Did that voice inside you say I've heard it all before
It's like Deja Vu all over again
One by one I see the old ghosts rising
Stumblin' 'cross Big Muddy
Where the light gets dim
Day after day another Momma's crying
She's lost her precious child
To a war that has no end
Did you hear 'em talkin' 'bout it on the radio
Did you stop to read the writing at The Wall
Did that voice inside you say
I've seen this all before
It's like Deja Vu all over again
It's like Deja Vu all over again

台長: 流浪阿狗
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2019-02-27 10:25:22
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