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2016-07-11 20:13:23| 人氣1,733| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(600)You're Still On My Mind

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出生於1927的美國鄉村搖滾歌手Luke McDaniel ( 舞台藝名Jeff Danieis ),1945自組樂團,曾在1952替大牌歌手Hank Williams在紐奧良的作秀暖場。自1952至197(?),陸續與幾家唱片公司簽約,唯所發行的多首歌曲均未能成為熱門曲。Luke McDaniel在音樂上的成就,恐怕只有由知名歌手及樂團翻唱他的歌曲,所帶給他的榮耀吧!像Buddy Holly曾演唱他寫的《Midnight Shift》,以及美國知名樂團The Byrds和包含了George Jones等眾多歌手,翻唱他在1959發行的這首《You're Still On My Mind》。

以下所貼為George Jones收錄在其2008發行的專輯《Burn Your Playhouse Down-The Unreleased Duet》中和Marty Stuart合唱的版本。George Jones本身是知名的酒鬼,有趣的是,他也不避諱唱些和酒有關的歌曲。此曲大意說的是在外漂泊的男子,孤獨潦倒,欲藉酒澆愁,而就算喝乾了囊袋中的最後一瓶酒,仍忘不了在家鄉的愛人。

Stuart & George Jones(上)

Marty Stuart:第1和第3前段,George Jones:第2和第3後段。

Amber Digby的版本也還不錯聽 ( 咬字有夠清楚 )。

The jukebox is playing a honky tonk song
One more I keep saying and then I'll go home
What good would it do me I know what I'll find
An empty bottle of broken hearts and you're still on my mind

The people are laughing and having their fun
While I sit here crying over what you have done
My pockets are empty my last drink of wine
An empty bottle of broken hearts and your still on my mind

Alone and forsaken so blue I could die
I just sit here drinking till the bottle runs dry
To try and forget you I turn to the wine
An empty bottle of broken hearts and your still on my mind

台長: 流浪阿狗
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