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老歌亂談(529)Hot Rod Heart

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清水合唱團 ( Creedence Clearwater Revival,簡稱CCR ) 於1972解散後,樂團主唱也是靈魂人物的John Fogerty開始單飛,1997發行的《Blue Moon Swamp》,是John Fogerty個人的第五張專輯。專輯中他邀請了幾個樂團及樂手分別為幾首歌合音及打鼓伴奏。1998,此專輯替John Fogerty奪得了一座「最佳搖滾專輯」的葛萊美獎項,而此首《Hot Rod Heart》也是專輯中的歌曲。

《Blue Moon Swamp》專輯的封面是John Fogerty拿了把吉他泡在水中 ( 很明顯是為了要對應標題 -- Swamp ),有人問這把吉他是否為道具?John Fogerty回說:哦!這當然是真實的相片,為了拍這個場景,特別去買了一把新的「Fender Stratocaster」,拍完之後已將吉他各部份弄乾,或許以後可以在作秀時使用。

Hot rod指的是舊車改裝的高速馬力汽車。歌曲大意是說開著改裝車到處飆車嬉戲,要承受油門踩到底 ( Put the pedal to the metal ) 的高速,的確也需要有顆加強了馬力的心臟。

Ooh, let's go ridin'
Cruisin' down the open road
We can put the top down
Listen to the radio
Big ol' Buick
And a big ol' sky
Wheels on fire
And I'll tell you why
I got a hot rod heart

Ooh, let's go prowlin'
Sneakin' like we used to do
Way back in the country
Cut across the cornfields too
Big ol' Harley
And a big ol' moon
Big ol' 'gator
Puttin' on the zoom
I got a hot rod heart

Got a one-way ticket to the open road
Come on
Got a red line engine
And I'm rarin' to go
Put the pedal to the metal
If you want to ride
If you want to ride
Let's go

Ooh, let's go ridin'
Rollin' down the open road
We can put the top down
Listen to the radio
Big ol' Buick
And a big ol' sky
Wheels on fire
And I'll tell you why
I got a hot rod heart

Got a one-way ticket to the open road
Come on
Got a red line engine
And I'm rarin' to go
Put the pedal to the metal
If you want to ride
If you want to ride
Let's go
Ooh, let's go ridin

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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