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老歌亂談(119)Wasted Days And Wasted Nights

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Freddy Fender佛萊迪凡德)的成名曲是《Before The Next Teardrop Falls》,但之前我在介紹這首歌時(亂談13),並未採用他的版本,而這首《Wasted Days And Wasted Nights》,應該是Freddy Fender 的唯二代表作了。




1971Freddy Fender遇見了他生命中的貴人,一位名滿德州的製作人Huey Meaux,在他的鼓勵下進了錄音室,以英文和西班牙文翻唱了那首《Before The Next Teardrop Falls》,19755月登上了熱門和鄉村排行榜的雙料冠軍。然後,再重新錄製他自己在1959的這首《Wasted Days And Wasted Nights》,也得到熱門榜的第8名,自此名利雙收。



Wasted days and wasted nights
I have left for you Behind
For you don't belong to me
Your heart belongs to someone else

Why should I keep loving you,
When I know that you're not true
And why should I call your name
When you're the blame for making me blue

Don't you remember the day
That you went away and left me
I was so lonely
Prayed for you only, my love

Why should I keep loving you
When I know that you're not true
And why should I call your name
When you're the blame for making me blue

Don't you remember the day
That you went away and left me
I was so lonely
Prayed for you only, my love

Why should I keep loving you
When I know that you're not true
And why should I call your name
When you're the blame for making me blue


台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(120) 外面的世界
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(118) The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

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