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2014-08-01 12:56:56
2013-05-21 23:02:59
2013-07-27 09:11:55

我給你兩百分~ You are awesome !!

親愛的各位我知道今天應該要上傳遊記但是請容許我今天放閃一下 很多人對外國男生都有種刻板印象覺得他們就是玩咖不是什麼好東西也有人覺得外國男生應該都超浪漫講話超肉麻其實個性這種東西本來就因人而異就算都是台...

2013-07-21 10:40:44

聖地牙哥好美喔 San Diego

親愛的大家,一星期過真快Dear All, one week passed already上星期寫了陰雨綿綿的大城市西雅圖after rainy Seattle,今天來個陽光普照的聖地牙哥吧~I'm going to give u sunny San Diego today 聖地牙哥一樣是在美...

2013-07-12 09:32:07

西雅圖不是不夜城是下雨城 It rains a lot in Seattle

嗨嗨大家好~~Hello everyone終於又到了美國時間的星期四it's Thursday in US again(上星期四是國慶日, 而且我住的地方沒有wifi所以無法發文, 請見諒)(last Thursday was $th of July, and I had no wifi so I didn't...

2013-06-29 03:18:03

散步*台北 (中)

人在國外多多少少會有點鄉愁a little homesick since I am abroad所以今天遊記我要寫台北~so, I am going to write about Taipei today上回介紹台北的後花園貓空, 還有最繁華的信義區last time when I wrote about T...

2013-06-22 00:54:12

悠閒好時光>尼加拉大瀑布 Niagara Falls

上星期跟教授聊到這個地方Last week I was chatting with professor, and mentioned one place教授說早期,這裡是美國人度蜜月的最佳地點之一he said it's a best choice for honeymoon in early days尼加拉大瀑布it ...

2013-06-08 01:01:03

世界50個必遊景點之一>>黃石公園 Yellowstone National Park

昨天發高燒趕報告I had a fever and final draft due yesterday真的沒有時間生出遊記 Sorry :(so I didn't have time to write this, sorry !!!為了要表達我的誠意In order to show how bad I felt that I skip one ...

2013-05-30 01:13:40

你這輩子可能都不會去的鎮--Fairbanks 費爾班克斯

上星期參加了PCHOME新聞台的主題徵文Last week I joined the special topic wanted on PCHOME題目是:我的追夢故事"the topic was "Story of Chasing My Dream"(請看http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/ning771122/post/13...

2013-05-23 19:18:10

第一次出遊 Our First Trip

親愛的各位Dear All ~~我知道今天是星期四應該是遊記日I know it should be a traveling story day on Thursday但是我前天PO了"我的追夢故事"主題徵文已經是遊記了but couple days ago I had an article on the topi...

2013-05-21 23:02:59

阿拉斯加的那一道光 That light in Fairbanks, Alaska

我今年24歲I am 24我對阿拉斯加的憧憬已持續了12年and I have been wanting to go to Alaska for 12 years那年我22歲I was 22 that time終於,我踏上了阿拉斯加的土地that time I finally step on the land of Alaska...

2013-05-18 16:09:43

第一次單獨外出 First time going out and only two of us

由於我發現我寫關於我們的事情時人氣比較高i just found out that i got more viewers when talking about me and my boyfriend所以我要再來實驗一次試大眾口味 XDso I am going to try again to prove if i am righ...

2013-05-16 17:57:41

散步*台北 (上)

又過了一星期到了每週遊記時間~~~Another week passed, it's my traveling blog time again前三篇都是介紹遙遠的美國the first three articles are all about America今天決定來推薦一下自己居住的城市so today i wa...

2013-05-15 01:11:24


這陣子網路上有很多把台灣女性講得很難聽文章大多數都是在批評台灣女生有多哈外國人哈到直接兩腿開開迎接外國人, 即使那些外國人根本把她們當玩物講那些話的人懂什麼?他們看到的例子都是發生在夜店我相信不管你到哪個...

2013-05-11 21:48:19

我們怎麼認識的? How do we know each other?

看了這麼多異國戀愛的文章I've read so many articles from people who's dating with foreigner想想我好像也應該寫些什麼來為這段感情紀錄一下and I suppose I should write something just so I have a record of ...

2013-05-09 13:55:16

來來來 LA的要花錢行程

又到了每週遊記時間Hello everyone, it's my onve in a week traveling blog time again今天要來介紹大家(我去過)的LA要花錢行程Today I am going to share my experience of traveling ticket-needed spots in LA(也...

2013-05-04 23:27:43


今天去了一個什麼都賣什麼都不奇怪的賣場I took my sister and cousins to a very fun store, they sell everything (most of it) there因為要帶妹妹們去選購衣些旅行必備小物cuz I think they might could get some...

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