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2013-05-30 01:13:40| 人氣24,281| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

你這輩子可能都不會去的鎮--Fairbanks 費爾班克斯

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Last week I joined the special topic wanted on PCHOME
the topic was "Story of Chasing My Dream"
plz take a look.

I mentioned a small town in Alaska---Fairbanks
maybe some of you are interest in this town after you read my article
那麼我就來介紹這個地方的旅遊資訊吧 :)
 So, I am going to introduce this town !!

首先, 要飛到這個鎮很不容易
First, it was not easy to get here
I flew from Montana
(我還覺得已經算近了, 應該只用飛越加拿大就到了)
I thought it was pretty easy, just cross Canada and I'll b there 
殊不知我忘記要飛往小地方, 即使他叫做"國際機場", 也要轉機轉半天....
but I forgot it's a small place...even though it's an "International Airport"...

先飛到了西雅圖, 再飛到安克拉治, 又等轉機才終於到了費爾班克斯
I flew to Seattle, then Anchorage, then Fairbanks
(還記得我是早上十點多飛, 抵達費爾班克斯已經是凌晨一兩點了 = =)
(still remember I departed at 10am, and I arrived at 1 or 2am the next day)

the airport is not very big
prob like Taiwan's terminal one
but it's quite new 
and there are lots of information u will need right after u claim ur baggage 
I booked the hotel after I got to the airport
some schedule was decided after I saw those information as well

大半夜的機場人很少, 為了多省一個晚上的錢, 我在旁邊椅子上待到四五點才打給飯店叫車
not many people in the airport in the midnight
I sit there till 4, 5am then I called for shuttle
很貼心的是, 這個機場非常多的插座可以使用,
and this airport has lots of plug u can use to charge laptop lol
讓我孤單等待之時還有電腦和網路(是訊號頗不錯的Free Wifi喔)陪我
so I had free wifi with me when I was alone

當然也沒有忘記坐在窗邊, 不敢錯失任何一點點可以看到極光的機會
and of course I sit next to the window, 
cuz I don't want to miss any chance to see northern light
可惜當天似乎有點小雲層, 我沒有看到 :(
but it was kinda cloudy that day

終於到了旅館(super 8), 據官網上是說有免費接駁
Finally I got to Super 8 Fairbanks
According to their website, there is free airport shuttle
but it was a taxi picked me up...so I paid.
maybe it's because I called too early

I actually booked a backpacker hostel before I fly there (no booking fee tho)
but I double checked how's that hostel when I was waiting in the airport

非常嚇人, 據說沒有男女分房, 沒有鎖可以讓你安全放行李
very shocked!!! seems like there so no girl's rooms and boy's rooms
and no locker for ur luggage
I really don't think I could enjoy my day with worrying about my bags and laptop
雖然一個晚上大概只要700台幣, 想了想這種錢不能省
even tho it's only 25 or so per night.....way cheap.
but I don't think I want to save money on that
尤其是個女生, 大概是社會新聞看太多
especially I am a girl... and I've seen too much bad things happened on news
我寧願多花點錢, 不但玩的安心也睡的安心, 所以就住Super 8囉
so I would rather pay more to sleep well and have fun when I was out
thus, I picked Super 8
(其實super 8在美國已經是相對便宜一些些的連鎖旅店了...
(Super 8 is quite inexpensive for American I think...
and it belongs to a big nationwide company, at least I know who to find help if anything happened)

費爾班克斯這個地方面積只有84.69 平方公里
Faribanks is only 84.69 square meter 
台北市有271.7 平方公里, 比它大了三倍多
Taipei City is like 271.7 square meter, more than 3 times bigger
所以說實在的, 費爾班克斯旅行很容易
so it is not to hard to travel in Fairbanks
(但是當然不會只在這個鎮, 周邊還有很多吸引人的景點)
(but of course, u will also visit other towns near by)

首先, 一定要去參觀的是位於阿拉斯加大學中的"北方博物館"
You have to visit the Museum of the North in University of Alaska
(a Taiwanese V show went there before)

在美國, 博物館類的地方票價都不親民
In the States, all the museums have crazy price...
這個博物館一個人要12美金 (大約360台幣)
this one is 12 USD for adult
and no student fare....I really cant get used to this
and a movie in here is 5 USD
way too expensive. besides, there is no 3D or special effect
A huge natural mineral 

但是到一個地方, 要了解它的方式除了實地走訪之外, 博物館是個很好的選擇
but the best way to know a place when u get there, a museum is a nice choice to start
other then stop by every places
而且這個博物館不僅僅介紹費爾班克斯, 還介紹了阿拉斯加的野生動物, 原住民, 歷史
and this museum does not only tells you things about Fairbanks, it also introduces the wild lives, original habitants, histories...etc.
and shows u some fossils and minerals 
其實有一點點像自然科學博物館了 :)
kinda like a science and history museum

別忘了要跟他拍照喔  :P
and don't forget to take a pic with this 2.67 meters brown bear fossil

my favorite zone is of course the Aurora zone
I also watched a film there
(更高興的事, 這是唯一一個美國旅遊景點中, 逛紀念品時可以看到我英文名字Aurora的地方
因為極光的英文就叫做Aurora Borealis)
我在其他地方通通碰壁, 想買鑰匙圈都買不到我的名字
and the most exciting thing is that I can see my name all over the place..
while I am in other cities, I can never find anything with "Aurora" on it
* I made myself a bracelet by beads.....cuz I can't buy a key chain with my name on it :(

special thanks to this old man
他是我在Super 8大廳打盹等房間的時候認識的
I met him when I was taking a nap in the lobby of Super 8
the front desk told me the room I booked online is not available till noon
and he can't give me another room since I made online order
於是我打算先在大廳睡一下, 中午放了行李洗個澡再出去玩
So I decided to take a nap, then after I got my own room, I can start my day
結果大概六點的時候, 這位大叔(他是房客)看到我大包小包在大廳睡覺
about 6am, the guy (a customer there) saw me sleeping with all my bags in the lobby
and the front desk didn't try to solve my problem
so he went on and argued with the front desk, telling him that they should give me another room
since there must be vacant rooms
(and  they need to call the manager)
大叔問我要不要去他們房間睡, 他跟他的兩個打獵同好要去吃早餐
this guy (his name is Brain) asked me if I want to take a nap in he and his friends room
since they r getting breakfast soon

(小叮嚀: 防人之心不可無, 所以我拒絕了)
(Notice: do not say yes to people u don't know even tho they might trying to be nice to u. So I refused)
喝完之後, 飯店經理幫我換了一間有兩張雙人床的大房間.....
then the manager gave me a room with two queens...
是說我哪需要這麼大, 不過也沒有要加收我錢
那我就開心接受囉 :)
I didn't really need that big, but well, I considered it as a free upgrade lol

行李放一放, 大叔約我跟他的獵人朋友們一起去隔壁吃早餐
Then I went breakfast with Brian and his friends

it's Denny's !! open 24 hours!!!
而且就在Super 8的旁邊
right next to Super 8~
大心, 因為這表示我不會餓死
So happy cuz that means I won't starve to dead
and they bought my breakfast
we were talking about their hunting trip
他們說....前幾天獵到一隻熊, 已經吃掉了 (驚!!!!!)
they killed a bear couple days ago...
and ate it!!!!!
(Brain was trying to give me a claw, but I don't want it!!!!!)

後來大叔還陪我去博物館 (當然費用也是大叔出了)
Then he went to meseum with me and pay my fare
so touched :)
I was lucky to meet nice people when traveling alone
(再次叮嚀: 但切記還是要小心喔)
(Notice again: be aware of everybody)

好啦, 感謝時間結束
博物館去完之後, 我好像又更喜歡阿拉斯加了 :)
I like Alaska even more after visit Alaska

另外, 要介紹讓我可以到處玩的交通工具
then this is how I went to different places while I was there
這是當地的公車, 行駛路線跟範圍其實蠻廣的
the local bus is very convenient and covers lot of places
而且, 在剛剛介紹的Denny's 餐廳前就有一站
and there is a stop right in front of the Denny's 
我深深覺得挑Super 8住真的是對的選擇
seriouly think that was a great decision to stay in Super 8
I won't be starving, and I can jump on the but to places
* a nice day waiting for but

day pass is 3 USD
(one trip is 1.5 USD)
so it's actually very cheap to get a day pass
no limit times and mileage in one day
完全划算, 而且一日票可以直接跟司機買
and u can buy it from the bus driver when u get on

雖然地方不大, 公車網倒還算是密佈且方便
tho Fairbanks is not a big place, the public transportation net is way nice
and it doesn't take long to wait for a bus 
我當初還搭公車到費爾班克斯的Walmart 哈哈, 根本太方便
I even took the bus to Walmart in Fairbanks...how convenient :)

再來是上次介紹過的餐廳, Pump House Restaurant 
既然上次提到了, 就不再多做敘述
或是我上一篇參加徵文的文章 :)
then it's the restaurant I talked about last time, if u r interest in it, plz check their website, 
or my article from last  Tuesday 
在這裡就附上美味的食物照片讓大家垂涎三尺 (壞心)
I am only gonna put pictures here to tempt u guys haha
* I miss that king crab leg....

*desert with berries and lemon custer  

另外是我之前沒有機會去的Chena Hot Springs Resort
and the famous Chena Hot Springs is a must visit place if u go to Fairbanks...
but I didn't have the chance.

但是他的接駁車一個人就要95美金... (一個人旅行的壞處)
because their shuttle cost me 95 USD if i decided to go by myself
and the bus doesn't stop there
可能是因為私人大企業吧, 所以政府的交通工具不想跑這麼遠
prob because it's a private business, so public transportation is not interest in it 

next time I am gonna make my boyfriend go with me
這樣我不缺司機又不用擔心到不了 (誤)
so I have a driver and no need to worry about getting places

another didn't make it trip was an Arctic circle tour

don't remember which company I called
but anyway, I was planning on going during weekdays
沒有其他旅客, 又規定要兩人以上才能成行... (另一個獨自旅行的壞處)
but there are no other people going since they need at least 2 to make a tour...
(another cons on traveling alone)

本來都已經想好要在北緯66.5度打卡了說  :(
was already think about tagging myself at 66.5 N 
但是, 就像我上次說的, 沒有達成的夢, 是我再訪的動機與動力!!! 
but well, the unfinished dream is the reason y I can visit again

Downtown Fairbanks其實是蠻好玩的地方
Downtown Fairbanks is not as terrible as I thought
我去了冰雕博物館 (門票也是12美金)
I went to the Ice Museum

首先會要看部影片, 然後才可以參觀兩旁玻璃櫃中的冰雕
they will show u a film first, then you can see those ice sculptures on both sides
also there is a freaking cold room with bigger sculptures you can take pictures with
Jason told me this place when he knew I coulndn't make it for the Arctic circle tour
而且公車也有到, 附近還有很多正在特價的店可以逛
and the bus goes there, plus so many shops was on sale in town!!!

* I love the hat lol
*kinda like an ice bar

冰雕博物館逛完後, 附近有一個"黃金之心廣場"
not to far from the Ice Museun, there is a "Golden Heart Plaza"
it's like a memorial park
looks like a nice place for picnic
there are special events in this plaza sometime, 
make sure u check the schedule before you stop by.

最後是位於另一個小鎮North Pole的聖誕老人之家
And then the "Santa Claus House" in North Pole

I thought it would be a museum
結果他是一間店, 賣很多跟聖誕節相關的裝飾, 文具...雜貨
but it's a shop with everything u can think of Christmas
and there is a chair for Santa
但我可能去的季節真的不對, 聖誕老人還在放假啦
but it was a right season, he was not there

u can buy a certificate to prove that u were at "Santa Claus' House" in North Pole
然後寫上你希望寄到的地址與時間就可以囉 :)
then write on the address and date u want to receive and done ~

My favorite part, those reindeers !!!! how cute !!
and they are..... smaller than I thought 
I think moose is way bigger
but I feel sad they are locked in the cage
but....seems like people love this part, too

畢竟, 此北極非彼北極阿!!
after all, this North Pole is not THE North Pole

this trip, I have to say, was not like extraordinary
but it was my biggest break through for myself
I travel alone
alone to the place perhaps for most people they won't even think about it...
I went to Alaska, ALONE

我雖然什麼都不會, 唯一的交通工具只有公車 (撘了計程車兩次)
I know nothing about driving, and the bus is my only choice (I did take taxi twice tho)
but I had fun
所以囉, 旅行不需要會開車會騎車還租車
so, there is no need to learn how to drive, ride, or rent vehicle while traveling
public transportation is good enough to take u to places
just think different. Consider it as an adventure to travel with bus 
and there are sth u will never experience if you travel on your car.

阿拉斯加很大, 還有極圈, 冰河灣和極光正等著我再次去征服
Alaska is HUGE. there is Arctic Circle, Glacier bays, and northern light waiting for me to overcome and visit
my next trip to Alasla
I actually never stop thinking about it
因為我已經許下承諾, 只要我一寫完論文, 畢了業
cuz I promised myself, once I graduate (finish my MA thesis)
I am going to buy me another trip to Alaska
(但認真考慮要我男友加入, 免得又有行程無法達成哈哈哈)
(but hopefully my boyfriend can go with me just in case lol)

總之, 以上是這星期的遊記
Anyway, this is the traveling journal for this week 

(因為上次已經介紹過Aurora Winter Train了, 這篇就不重複囉~)
(am not going to talk about Aurora Winter Train again since I did  last week)
I hope everybody finds Alaska is worth to visit
and thank you for finish reading this long article <3

台長: Aurora
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