程 度:★★★ 進階
難 度:★★☆ 中
重要性:★☆☆ 低
娜塔莉·柯芙琳 Natalie Coughlin 美國游泳名將,善長自由式與仰式。這個影片是娜塔莉的訓練法,不過這些該只是一小部份而已。或者說是她推薦的訓練法更為恰當些。娜塔莉今年在美國奧運對的選拔賽中自由式與仰式都沒能選上,最後擠上了接力賽的名額;還好也得了一面銅牌。
1. freestyle swimming
2. backstroke swimming
3. stretch out with double-arm backstroke
4. dolphin kick on your back
5. flutter kick on your back
6. rotational backstroke kick
7. freestyle rotational kick
8. backstroke 3-3-3 stroke (3-right-arm stroke, 3 strokes total & 3 left-arm strokes)
9. freestyle 3-3-3
10. Mix of speeds
flutter kick on your back: 80% (of your max. effort), 90 sec
dolphin kick on your back: 80% , 90 sec.
easy freestyle swimming, 2 min
backstroke, 90-95%, 1min
backstroke, 80%, 3 min
easy kicking, your choice, 2min
freestyle, 90-95%, 2min
freestyle, 80%, 3min
easy backstroke, 2min
flutter kick, 90-95%, 1min
dolphin kick on your back, 90-95%, 1min
easy choice, 2min
updated: Oct. 3, 2012