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2012-02-12 22:08:38
2008-05-25 14:07:31
2010-02-02 07:23:10

2012-09-04 19:33:32


Lost in your delicacyBy a dreamy song--a songCalling my past, and linkingUs. So with you I walk in a tunnelTil' there's lightBy the time you shall declareTogether or goodbye

2012-08-26 05:41:17


圖:"The Great Piece of Turf" by Albrecht Durer那些石頭還在 可草越長越長

2012-08-19 17:52:11


"I'm nothing about morality and need not be." It says.

2012-08-19 17:50:33

斥力("The Repulsion")

越要用文字填滿空白文字越空白 The harder you try to fill out the blank by wordsThe blanker your words are

2012-08-19 17:48:45


In her eyes I'm singing a songIn her eyes I'm writing a poemIn her eyes I'm talking on phoneIn her eyes I'm walking aloneIn my eyes her eyes are waitingAnd guiding me home

2012-08-19 17:47:36

A Ficional Love Song

We feed each other songsWe feed each other articlesWe feed each other ourselvesAnd grow up in dreamsAs a couple of unicorns

2012-08-19 17:44:01


If her tenderness is a swordI will withdrawHome

2012-08-19 17:43:36


She's a cat-like womanTeaching me to listenAnd to waitSo I am a bat-like manGuard her alwaysIn darkness

2012-08-19 17:43:05

The Candle

How brave of youTo plot with meTo bite back the night

2012-08-19 17:42:26

The Black Dog

It runs so fast, so happilyLike my youthSuddenly ran over by a truck

2012-08-19 17:40:54

The Wild Song

Let your emotions flowBlow things upLike Rock N Roll

2012-08-19 17:38:49

Check In-To Facebook

He was reading her messages, secretlyAnd got a notification:"You are at 'her wall'" 01:30 AM

2012-08-19 17:37:24


圖:"Nocturne:Black and Gold - The Fire Wheel" by James Abbott McNeil Whistler他請我寫 她要我寫 它叫我寫我逼我自己 寫 太陽不耐煩地沒入海裡泡澡 換月亮爬上窗 看笑話

2012-08-19 17:31:59


圖:"Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash" Giacomo Balla大太陽下 牠吐著舌頭快樂地奔跑 嚎叫如我的青春猛然斃於車輪下

2012-08-19 17:31:19

圖:"House in the Country" by Paul Cezanne青春翻過童年的籬笆成年推開青春的門中年攀上成年的牆 喘喘老年 不走了從你的眼睛 看遠遠的海與山

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