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2008-05-08 09:28:43| 人氣891| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Mum’s True Love

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Article to all the mothers on the Mother’s Day,

Mum’s love cures all your hurt.
Mum’s love gives you strength.
Mum’s love makes your heart singing.

Mum’s love means there’s always somewhere
to shelter you from the storm.
It likes sunshine after rain and it can lead you
to a new beginning.

Mum’s love means thinking of or caring for family members.
You can never forget about or escape from Mum’s love
in your whole life.

Mum’s love will find you when you are lost.
Mum’s love means forgiving.

You miss Mum’s love when it’s not there.
It’s always enough to go around
Edited from TRUELOVE---Babette Cole

台長: Pen Knight
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