Little Miss Muffet Little Miss Muffet,Sat on a Tuffet,Eating her curd and whey.Along came a spider,Who sat dow...
發表時間:2014-03-31 10:38:04 | 回應:2
進入 k 的主題了,很開心挑到這首歌,歌詞這麼簡單,讓孩子認字非常適合喔!這周就讓他們認識歌詞裡面所有的字,拼貼出...
發表時間:2014-03-27 10:22:24 | 回應:0
本周 M1 & M2 班的主題在前後沒有大節慶的狀況下,我有兩個選擇,一是做St. Patrick's Day 而另一個是做The Arbor...
發表時間:2014-03-18 16:46:39 | 回應:0
Jelly On a Plate Song{Jelly on a plate. x 2 Wibble wobble wibble wobble. Jelly on a plate. } repeat{ Sweeties...
發表時間:2014-03-16 13:58:32 | 回應:0
The Ice Cream SongIce cream. Ice cream.What's your favorite flavor? Chocolate. Chocolate.Chocolate. Chocolate....
發表時間:2014-03-12 11:17:31 | 回應:2
If You're Happy Song (影音連結請點我)Hello Song (with lyrics)Hello, hello, nice day. Please to see you. Please...
發表時間:2014-03-04 15:41:33 | 回應:1
In the Garden Song In the garden we can see many things, many things. (x 2)We can see the grass. We can see th...
發表時間:2014-02-28 10:16:49 | 回應:2
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I Caught a Fish Alive1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Once I caught a fish alive.6, 7, 8, 9. 10.Then I let h...
發表時間:2014-02-19 11:28:57 | 回應:3
Elephant Song (with lyrics) (1)An elephant goes like this and that.He's terribly big and he's terribly fat.He ...
發表時間:2014-02-11 13:52:27 | 回應:4
My Puppy(My Baby Dog)Oh hey! Have you ever seen my baby dog?It barks, it jumps and it runs.Oh Hey! I really lo...
發表時間:2014-02-08 22:18:17 | 回應:0
每月一次的主題故事閱讀班 R2B 二月份的主題是Horses, 而我選定的主題是這首。Little Red- Children's Horse Race Son...
發表時間:2014-01-31 15:40:01 | 回應:0
數字單元我們在S1A 時教過,這次輪到 C 主題時,我又選了這首 Counting Song,目的是要讓 S2A 的小朋友除了會念數字及...
發表時間:2014-01-14 14:15:28 | 回應:3
B 的相關生字很多,最常被用到的就是 bear, 但除了可愛的 bear 之外,我也喜歡氣球呈現的輕盈感,雖然我很怕扭氣球時那...
發表時間:2014-01-07 17:30:24 | 回應:3
(暖場小詩: An Autumn Greeting)從中年級開始,小學生就不太喜歡唱兒歌了,所以幫他們選歌通常要偏向流行歌曲或是舞曲...
發表時間:2013-12-27 11:18:25 | 回應:0
過完十二月,S1A 就要進入新的學程 S2A,開始要正式教字母及發音,繪本也會順著二十六個字母主題一路教下去,計畫新課...
發表時間:2013-12-26 12:15:31 | 回應:0