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2014-03-18 16:46:39| 人氣497| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Let's Plant a Tree

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本周 M1 & M2 班的主題在
St. Patrick's Day 而另一個是做
The Arbor Day。想了想之後決定,
既然我們有 " 植樹節 " ,那就做
主題曲就是這首啦! 慢板的抒情曲調,

Let's Plant a Tree

Let's plant a flower.
Let's plant a tree.
Let's plant a fruit for you for me. x 2
Mom took me to the store today
to buy some seeds and dirt.
And when we got home
we dug a big hole and got right to work
We berried the seeds inside the ground
and water them with a hose
I couldn't believe how easy it was
to make something grow
Let's plant a flower.
Let's plant a tree.
Let's plant a fruit for you for me. x 2
I water the ground every other day.
And suddenly on the eleventh of May,
a bud sprouted high up in the air.
All I could do was stop and stare.
Every day it was something new.
It grew and it grew and it grew and it grew.
Now after two months I can see,
Fruits for me on my beautiful tree.
Let's plant a flower.
Let's plant a tree.
Let's plant a fruit for you for me. x 2
I know it takes more than one
to give us food and oxygen.
But together we can live long
and plant the earth to go strong, strong.

Let's plant a flower.
Let's plant a tree.
Let's plant a fruit for you for me. x 2
For you, for me, for you, for me, a tree~~



台長: Sunny Liu
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