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2012-12-17 10:08:38
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2013-09-21 11:56:17
2013-09-21 11:56:17

More Resources about Songs

每個禮拜找歌聽歌詞練歌邊動作已經變成一種慣例,所以開一篇文來放找到的歌,方便找新資源。One : Phonics Songs1. The short Vowel Song (影音連結)Spooky Spooky Two : Greeting Songs1. The Greetings Song (影音...

2013-09-19 10:39:46

Song : Dinosaur Stomp

猶豫好久要不要做Dinosaur 的主題,因為那些恐龍名字容易讓人舌頭打結啊!可是我知道好多小朋友都是恐龍迷耶,尤其是小男生,所以還是硬著頭皮努力記熟恐龍名字,下星期我們要跟恐龍約會摟!我自己找的歌曲版本有點太長...

2013-09-15 15:08:04

20130902 M3 Rolling


2013-09-11 11:27:52

I Love Bugs Song

(在我們家陽台羽化的蛾 牠是吃我們家的白蘿蔔葉子長大的喔!)I Love Bugs! (影音連結請點我)I love bugs. Here we go.Butterfly, butterfly, ladybug.Spider, spider, ant. x 4 Ladybug Ladybug SongLadybug, ladybug...

2013-09-06 14:58:34

My Story Time: Rolling Rolling

真的很久很久沒寫故事記錄文,這個禮拜原本也是行程滿檔,但因為學校家長日,有一堂故事課要延期,我就賺到一些些空檔,不浪費時間,趕緊來寫文吧!(手作品是會轉轉轉的轉盤喔!)My Story Time: Rolling Rolling201309...

2013-08-31 23:10:12

Songs of the Moon

(圖片掃描自 " Happy Birthday Moon" )Letters To the Moon(影音連結請點我)When I walk in the night,you are in all the stars. When I walk at sun-rise,you are the glitter in the sky. You are in my heartwit...

2013-08-29 16:20:06

Ten In the Bed Song

下星期的主題和 " 翻滾 " 有關,小朋友翻滾,小動物翻滾,連老先生們都一起翻滾喔!好好玩啊。翻滾吧!小孩們!Ten in the Bed Song ( 影音連結請點我)There were ten in the bed, and the little one said: " Rol...

2013-08-19 22:37:05

Go away! Big Green Monster

(學生亂拼貼的Big Green Monster, 哈!)農曆七月,就讓我們應景做一系列的"鬼怪主題 " 吧! 下星期連幼美班都撩下去一起玩了,別怕別怕,不恐怖,只是好玩而已! Go Away! Big Green Monster! (影片連結請點我)Go away...

2013-08-12 20:48:01

In the Big Blue Sea

In the Big Blue Sea (影片連結請點我)(圖片選錄自網路資源)Lyric: In the big blue sea x 5In the big blue sea. x 2 Fish swimming in the big blue sea.How many fish? How many fish can you see?1, 2, 3. 3 fis...

2013-07-28 10:06:17

Ten Little Indians

Ten Little Indians (with lyric)(連結請點我)前兩個禮拜,幼兒故事班上數字主題,我選了兩首歌教他們唱,小孩都愛這兩首歌,沒有問題,但有個小不點對我提出要求," Sunny 老師,你可以放 one little, two little 給...

2013-07-24 10:03:16

The Song of Father's Day

剛從高雄分享完節慶回來,許多朋友都對 "父親節 "的內容深有所感,謝謝大家喜歡我的分享,七月下旬了,分享一首可愛的歌曲,願天下的父親們父親節快樂。Father's Day Song for ChildrenTo all the dads on Father's ...

2013-06-20 15:43:33

Body Parts Song

Body Parts Song Head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, chin.Arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes. This is me. Here we go. My head, my eyes, my nose. This is me. My mouth, my ears, my chin. This is me. This ...

2013-06-08 20:25:48

The baby books

第一次上 baby 主題時,我選擇的是這三本書,1. Yo! Baby!2. Where Is Baby's Belly Button?3. Don't Wake the Baby!後來我又陸續收集了以下這幾本1. Beddy-bye, Baby. 2. Where Is Baby's Mommy?3. Shake It Up, Ba...

2013-06-08 19:58:40

The Pekaboo Song

Peekaboo (連結請點我)Peekaboo~~hee~hee hee. Peekaboo, I see you. x 2 I like to hide; I love to play. When you find me , I silent say :" Peekaboo, I see you." x 2 Now let's go through the magic door. T...

2013-06-01 23:42:28

Rock A Bye Baby Sing-A-Long

Rock A Bye Baby Sing-A-Long (歌曲連結請點我)Rock-a-Bye Baby on the treetopWhen the wind blowsThe Cradle will rock When the bough breaksThe cradle will fall And down will come baby Cradle and all. 最近...

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