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2013-09-11 11:27:52| 人氣1,004| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I Love Bugs Song

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(在我們家陽台羽化的蛾 牠是吃我們家的

I Love Bugs! (影音連結請點我)

I love bugs. Here we go.
Butterfly, butterfly, ladybug.
Spider, spider, ant.  x 4

Ladybug Ladybug Song

Ladybug, ladybug x 2
Landed on my thumb. x2
Crawled on to my wrist. x 2
And crawled up to my elbow x 2

Ladybug, ladybug. x 2
Crawled up my arm. x 2
And then she flew away.

Ladybug,  ladybug. x 2
Landed on my toe. x 2
Crawled on to my ankle. x 2
And crawled up to me knee.x 2

Ladybug, ladybug.
Crawled up my leg.
And then she flew away.

Oh, ladybug. x 2
Oh, won't you be my friend? x 2
Oh, ladybug. x 2
Won't you come and visit me again? x 2

Ladybug, ladybug.  
landed on my head
Crawled on to my nose.
And over to my ear.
Ladybug, ladybug.
Crawled on my neck. 
And then she flew away.
Oh, ladybug. x 2
Oh, won't you be me friend. x 2
Oh, ladybug.
Won't you come and visit me again?


台長: Sunny Liu
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