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2023-10-29 16:15:22| 人氣7,754| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(1182)For All the Wrong Reasons

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此曲為鄉村音樂二人組Bellamy Brothers的弟弟David所寫,收錄在1982的專輯《When We Were Boys》中,並作為首支釋出的單曲,在告示牌鄉村榜攻上了第一名的位置,也是兄弟倆第5首的鄉村冠軍曲。

The Bellamy Brothers於1968隨父親參加慈善音樂會的表演後,即有意開始其音樂之路,之後因David與朋友合寫歌曲,獲得了一些著作權費,兄弟倆以此為盤川,由佛羅里達赴加州發展。1975,因緣際會下獲得錄製一首《Let Your Love Flow》,奪得了告示牌流行榜的冠軍,貝拉米兄弟自此一炮而紅。迄2022,兄弟倆仍有單曲發行。

由歌詞第1句「I love you for all the wrong reasons ( 我愛妳有許多錯誤的理由 )」,感覺邏輯有點怪怪的,看到後面「Yeah, we both have other lovers」,呵呵!原來是愛情出軌,但看來女方是認真的「'Cause you love me in all the right ways」,如此就麻煩了,最後恐怕難以「善了」。最近綠營的桃色炸彈接連爆,忽然想到以前流行的一句諺語:「酒是穿腸毒藥,色是刮骨鋼刀。」夜路走多了,這些政治人物還真的是遇到了「鬼」。



I love you for all the wrong reasons
I need you every night and every day
Yes, I love you for all the wrong reasons
'Cause you love me in all the right ways

Shimmering lips that kiss me
And a body to make a fool of any man
I'd like to run away
But I just haven't had all that I can stand
Our love is like the darkness,
It just keeps on getting deeper with the night
And though we'd never say I love you
You know it feels so good when we get it right

I love you for all the wrong reasons
I need you every night and every day
Yes, I love you for all the wrong reasons
'Cause you love me in all the right ways

There's no reason for us to be here,
But we are and we have been for some time
Yeah, we both have other lovers
But what they don't know they sure don't seem to mind
So we throw it to the wind
We don't worry 'bout these pleasures that we steal
'Cause there's oh so many reasons
But it's really how we make each other feel

I love you for all the wrong reasons
I need you every night and every day
Yes, I love you for all the wrong reasons
'Cause you love me in all the right ways

I love you for all the wrong reasons
I need you every night and every day
Yes, I love you for all the wrong reasons
'Cause you love me in all the right ways...

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1183)I May Hate Myself in the Morning
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1181)Blame It On The Bossa Nova

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