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老歌亂談(1055)Livin' on Love

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此曲為美國鄉村歌手Alan Jackson在他1994的專輯《Who I Am》中所發行的第2首單曲,也成為他在告示牌鄉村榜的第9首冠軍曲。

歌曲主要想闡述的是,夫妻間只要有愛,雖然不富足或是較艱困的生活應該都可渡過。用講的當然很簡單,但若長期的處於家庭經濟的困窘,未必靠「愛」就能捱得過去,而歌曲的結局當然還是正面的。其實類似的主題早在2年前 ( 1992 ) 女歌手Tanya Tucker的歌曲《Two Sparrows in a Hurricane》就已出現過,在該曲中的歌詞「…They'll spread their wings and fly……The world says they'll never make it,Love says they will」,也難怪有樂評說Alan Jackson竟如此公然的「竊取」該曲 ( 應該只是在寓意上 ),但又覺得此曲的歌詞可朗朗上口、又如此地迷人,且充滿了有趣的小細節,也就饒過了Alan。

Alan Jackson的音樂風格被廣泛認為是屬於neotraditional country ( 新傳統鄉村?),此和一些鄉村次流派如outlaw country ( 非法鄉村 ) 也甚難區分,想來是自己對鄉村歌曲的瞭解不夠多。另有樂評認為,此曲有「致命的」小提琴伴奏,穿插其中的電吉他也很棒。

三級防疫期間,家人相處的時間多了,也正好可測試一下,自己是否是Livin' on Love。呵呵!

Two young people without a thing
Say some vows and spread their wings
And settle down with just what they need
Livin' on love
She don't care 'bout what's in style
She just likes the way he smiles
It takes more than marble and tile
Livin' on love
Livin' on love, buyin' on time
Without somebody nothing ain't worth a dime
Just like an old fashion story book rhyme
Livin' on love
It sounds simple, that's what you're thinkin'
But love can walk through fire without blinkin'
It doesn't take much when you get enough
Livin' on love
Two old people without a thing
Children gone but still they sing
Side by side in that front porch swing
Livin' on love
He can't see anymore
She can barely sweep the floor
Hand in hand they'll walk through that door
Just livin' on love
Livin' on love, buyin' on time
Without somebody nothing ain't worth a dime
Just like an old fashion story book rhyme
Livin' on love
It sounds simple that's what you're thinkin'
But love can walk through fire without blinkin'
It doesn't take much when you get enough
Livin' on love
Livin' on love, buyin' on time
Without somebody nothing ain't worth a dime
Just like an old fashion story book rhyme
Livin' on love
It sounds simple that's what you're thinkin'
But love can walk through fire without blinkin'
It doesn't take much when you get enough
Livin' on love
No, it doesn't take much when you get enough
Livin' on love

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1054)My Friend the Wind

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