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老歌亂談(1054)My Friend the Wind

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希臘歌手Demis Roussos早在1968於Aphrodite's Child樂團時,即以一首《Rain and Tears》揚名國際,1972樂團解散後開始其獨唱事業。此首《My Friend the Wind》收錄於其1973所發行的專輯《Forever and Ever》中,專輯獲致了大成功,在德國、荷蘭及挪威均奪得排行榜的冠軍,在澳洲也拿下第2名。而此曲則是在比利時獲得第一名,也是眾人所熟悉並為Demis Roussos知名的代表作品之一。

Demis Roussos曾經歷1985環球航空被劫機事件,雖然在5天後先獲得釋放 ( 其他人質則是在17天後 ),雖然也於事後感謝劫機者讓他在機上渡過生日 ( 有一份蛋糕 ),但仍在他心中留下不可磨滅的恐怖陰影。


遭劫機釋放後有些狼狽的Roussos,右為後來成為其第三任的美籍妻子Pamela Smith。

2015,Demis Roussos因胃、胰臟及肝癌過世,享年68歲。自1980起,Demis Roussos曾在10個月內減重50公斤,還為此出書,但看其2013的相片( 如下圖 ),似乎又復胖不少,或許體重過重才是造成其健康不良的主因。不過想想,Roussos有多首歌曲傳世,又娶過4個老婆,這輩子也算是很不錯的了。

亂談(790)Goodbye My Love Goodbye


My friend the wind will come from the hills
When dawn will rise, he'll wake me again
My friend the wind will tell me a secret
He shares with me, he shares with me
My friend the wind will come from the north
With words of love, she whispered for me
My friend the wind will say she loves me
And me alone, and me alone
I'll hear her voice and the words
That he brings from Helenimou
Sweet as a kiss are the songs of Aghapimou
Soft as the dew is the touch of Manoulamou
Oh oh oh
We'll share a dream where I'm never away from Helenimou
Blue are the days like the eyes of Aghapimou
Far from the world will I live with Manoulamou
Oh oh oh
My friend the wind go back to the hills
And tell my love a day will soon come
Oh friendly wind you tell a secret
You know so well, oh you know so well
I'll hear her voice and the words
That he brings from Helenimou
Sweet as a kiss are the songs of Aghapimou
Soft as the dew is the touch of Manoulamou
Oh oh oh
La la la, Helenimou
La la la, Aghapimou
La la la, Manoulamou

台長: 流浪阿狗
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