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老歌亂談(844)Take Good Care of My Baby

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1959,當紅的Buddy Holly和另兩位歌手因作秀趕場,而所搭乘的小飛機失事,此即為著名的「The Day the music died」。眼看預定在明尼蘇達州Moorhead的表演要開天窗,當地的電台立即播出需要樂團頂替的消息。當時年僅15歲的Bobby Vee才剛湊成了他的樂團The Shadows,自告奮勇願來替補,未料還真的獲得了這令人稱羨的機會。而且,該次的演出算是成功,
Bobby Vee也自此展開了他的歌唱之途。

Bobby Vee(右2) and his brother Bill(右) perform as The Shadows in an undated photo. (Photo courtesy of the Vee family)

顯然地,Bobby Vee對Buddy Holly是十分感念的。他在同年發行的首支單曲《Suzie Baby》,就是在向Holly的《Paggy Sue》(1958) 致意。該曲雖然只成為地方性的暢銷曲,卻引起了另家唱片公司
Liberty的注意而將他簽下,致使得Bobby Vee後來的展翅高飛,此為後話暫按下不表。初時的Bobby Vee雖然還只是個小小牌的歌手,卻與Bob Dylan有過一段際遇。Bob Dylan曾在Bobby Vee的樂團The Shadows中彈過鋼琴 ( Dylan當時是用Robert Allen Zimmerman的名字 ),後由於Vee付不起薪資,只得請Dylan離開。當Dylan成為民謠歌手,Vee也成為偶像歌手,倆人曾在某唱片行見過一次,再就30年都沒見過面,唯倆人都十分珍惜這段情誼。2013,Dylan在明尼蘇達開演唱會,其中就唱了Vee當年的這首《Suzie Baby》,由Dylan在唱該曲前的致詞中,Vee應該就坐在觀眾席中。不過,Vee自2011起就得了阿茲海默症,不知他當時是否還記得這段過往?( Vee於2016過世,享年73歲。)

Bobby Vee(左) and Bob Dylan in an undated photo. (Photo courtesy of the Vee family)

Bobby Vee簽入Liberty唱片公司後,他的製作人替他找歌,聽到了由Carole King所唱此首《Take Good Care of My Baby》的示範帶後,對出版商Don Kirshner表示,希望此曲交由Bobby Vee來唱,但堅信應在歌曲開始前加上「序曲」。之後與Carole King碰面,「序曲」的歌詞也被完成。Bobby Vee的版本於1961推出後,不僅拿下告示牌及錢櫃排行榜的第一名,在加拿大、紐西蘭及英國等地也皆為冠軍曲,Bobby Vee自此成為了國際級的歌手。對於寫歌的Carole King和Gerry Goffin的這對夫妻檔來說,這是他們繼1960的《Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow》後的第2首冠軍曲。

翻唱此曲的有Bobby Vinton (1968),其版本將「序曲」拿掉了,而只獲得第33名。另The Beatles在1962參與Decca唱片公司的試唱會,其中就包含有此曲,為由George Harrison主唱。Harrison的老婆Pattie Boyd後來嫁給了好友Eric Clapton,後此曲被意指成Harrison要Clapton好好地照顧他的Baby---Pattie Boyd,而時序根本不符,
Pettie Boyd與Harrison (左)、Clapton的結婚相片

My tears are fallin'
'Cause you've taken her away
And though it really hurts me so
There's something that I've gotta say
Take good care of my baby
Please don't ever make her blue
Just tell her that you love her
Make sure you're thinking of her
In everything you say and do
Aww, take good care of my baby
Now don't you ever make her cry
Just let your love surround her
Paint a rainbow all around her
Don't let her see a cloudy sky
Once upon a time that little girl was mine
If I'd been true, I know she'd never be with you
So, take good care of my baby
Be just as kind as you can be
And if you should discover
That you don't really love her
Just send my baby back home to me
Well, take good care of my baby
Be just as kind as you can be
And if you should discover
That you don't really love her
Just send my baby back home to me
Aww, take good care of my baby
Well, take good care of my baby
Just, take good care of my baby

台長: 流浪阿狗
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