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老歌亂談(1120)Behind Closed Doors

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美國鄉村歌手Charie Rich於1967簽入Epic唱片公司後,一直未有重大暢銷曲的表現,其簽約推薦人也是唱片製作人的Billy Sherrill應該是有些急了,要求歌手也是詞曲作家的Kenny O'Dell特別為Charie Rich寫歌,也即是此首《Behind Closed Doors》。

Kenny O'Dell

據O'Dell事後透露,他寫此歌時適值「水門醜聞案 ( Watergate scandal )」調查期間,國會的調查委員會都是採「閉門聽證」,故眾人雖對此案議論紛紛,但都不知「門後」的真相為何?因此,他特別喜歡這句「Behind Closed Doors」。

此曲於1973發行,由於歌詞的暗示性太強及過於情色,有些電台一度還禁止播放,而至終仍是衝上告示牌鄉村榜的第1名及橫跨流行榜的第15名。此曲不僅是Charie Rich的首支鄉村冠軍曲,也在次年 ( 1974 ) 替他贏得了一座「年度最佳鄉村男歌手」的葛萊美獎 ( Kenny O'Dell也拿下了一座「年度最佳鄉村歌曲」獎 )。

翻唱此曲的歌手眾多,而女性歌手如Loretta Lynn、Dolly Parton等則是將歌詞中性別的字彙互換。此曲也出現在1979由克林伊斯威特主演的電影《Every Which Way But Loose》( 台譯:永不低頭 ) 中。



My baby makes me proud
Lord, don't she make me proud
She never makes a scene
By hangin' all over me in a crowd
'Cause people like to talk
Lord, don't they love to talk
But when they turn out the lights
I know she'll be leavin' with me
And when we get behind closed doors
Then she lets her hair hang down
And she makes me glad that I'm a man
Oh, no one knows what goes on behind closed doors
My baby makes me smile
Lord, don't she make me smile
She's never far away
Or too tired to say "I want you"
She's always a lady
Just like a lady should be
But when they turn out the lights
She's still a baby to me
'Cause when we get behind closed doors
Then she lets her hair hang down
And she makes me glad I'm a man
Oh, no one knows what goes on behind closed doors
Behind closed doors

台長: 流浪阿狗
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