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老歌亂談(1121)Please Mr. Please

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此曲為英裔澳籍女歌手Olivia Newton-John由其1975的專輯《Have You Never Been Mellow》中所釋出的第2首單曲,在美國告示牌熱門榜獲得第3名的佳績。


巧合的事情來了,此曲作者之一的Bruce Welch,是英國貓王Cliff Richard專屬樂隊The Shadows的成員。1968,與Olivia Newton-John相識不久後,倆人隨即訂婚,關係維持了5年,之後傳言Olivia在和別人約會,Bruce在極不情願下才同意分手,甚至事後企圖自殺,而還是幸運活了下來( 尊重生命,請打1995 )。Bruce Welch自己在1974曾錄唱過這首《Please Mr. Please》,但在商業上並不成功。而Olivia錄唱這首「前未婚夫」的歌,對應歌曲的內容,不知會不會有些尷尬?

Olivia Newton-John & Bruce Welch

Olivia之後結過兩次婚:(1984-1995) ( 2008-2022),其間的一任男友Patrick McDermott (1996-2005)竟然在加州海岸釣魚時失蹤,遺體至今未尋獲,也有傳言說他是詐死,目前在墨西哥生活。1992,Olivia被確診罹患乳癌,2017,有復發移轉現象,就在這個禮拜一 (2022/08/08),Olivia終於不敵病魔辭世,享年73歲。而她初出道時甜姐兒的形象,相信會一直留在歌迷的心中。

Olivia Newton-John & Patrick McDermott



In the corner of the bar there stands a jukebox
With the best of country music, old and new
You can hear your five selections for a quarter
And somebody else's songs when yours are through
I got good Kentucky whiskey on the counter
And my friends around to help me ease the pain
'Til some button-pushing cowboy plays that love song
And here I am just missing you again
Please Mr. please, don't play B-17
It was our song, it was his song but it's over
Please Mr. please, if you know what I mean
I don't ever wanna hear that song again
If I had a dime for every time I held you
Though you're far away, you've been so close to me
I could swear I'd be the richest girl in Nashville
Maybe even in the state of Tennessee
But I guess I'd better get myself together
'Cause when you left, you didn't leave too much behind
Just a note that said, "I'm sorry" by your picture
And a song that's weighing heavy on my mind
Please Mr. please, don't play B-17
It was our song, it was his song but it's over
Please Mr. please, if you know what I mean
I don't ever wanna hear that song again

台長: 流浪阿狗
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