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老歌亂談(1122) (There's) No Gettin' Over Me

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此曲為美國鄉村歌手Ronnie Milsap自其1981的同名專輯中另發行的單曲,分別在告示牌鄉村和流行榜獲得第1及第5名,也是Ronnie Milsap歌唱生涯的一首跨領域重大暢銷曲。此曲的歌名「(There's) No Gettin' Over Me」其實並未出現在歌詞中,許多粉絲則以文法不怎麼正確的「There Ain't No Gettin' Over Me」來稱此歌名。

Ronnie Milsap自出生即患有先天性的視障 ( 幾乎全盲 ),母親在其嬰兒時將其捨棄由祖父母撫養,5歲時進入北卡的盲聾學校,少年時藉由收音機開始對鄉村、福音及節奏藍調等音樂產生興趣。14歲時,被宿舍管理員的一記耳光將其左眼僅存的一絲微弱視力也給打盲了。

1981,此曲替Ronnie Milsap贏得了一座「最佳鄉村男歌手」的葛萊美獎 ( 前後共計6座 )。其歌唱生涯共有35首的鄉村冠軍曲 ( 目前排名第4 ),而所有的這些成就,其妻子Joyce Reeves功不可沒。倆人相識於一場晚宴,然後於1965結婚,Joyce陪著Ronnie一起追逐歌唱的夢想,除了對歌曲給予意見,也協助促銷先生的事業,在結縭超過半個世紀,Joyce在2021因白血病辭世,享年81歲 ( 其年紀較Ronnie大3歲 )。( Ronnie的兒子Ronald Todd Milsap於2019被發現死於自己的船屋,死因明顯是出於「健康狀況」,享年49歲。)

Ronnie & Joyce出席頒獎典禮

Ronnie & Joyce & son




Well you can walk out on me tonight
If you think that it ain't feeling right
But darling
There's ain't no getting over me
Well you can say that you need to be free
But there ain't no place that I won't be
Sweet darling bass run up
There ain't no getting over me
I'll be the bill you forgot to pay bass run up
I'll be the dream that keeps you awake
I'll be the song on the radio
I'll be the reason that you tell the boys no
Don't you know
You can tell everyone that we're through
You might even believe it too
But darling
There's ain't no getting over me
Sweet darling lead, bass run up
There ain't no getting over me
I'll be the face that you see in the crowd
I'll be the times that you cry out loud
I'll be the smile when there's no one around
I'll be the book that you just can't put down
So you can walk out on me tonight
If you think that it ain't feeling right
But darling
There's ain't no getting over me
You'll see sweet darling
There's ain't no getting over me
No no no no No Darling
There ain't no getting over me
No darling
There ain't no getting over me
Oh darling
There ain't no getting over me

台長: 流浪阿狗
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