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老歌亂談(1081)The Angels Came Down

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Kevin Costner ( 凱文‧科斯納 ) 於1955出生在美國加州,1981即開始參與電影的演出,而直至1990才以自導自演的《Dances with Wolves》( 台譯:與狼共舞 ) 獲得奧斯卡「最佳影片」和「最佳導演」獎而一片成名。之後繼續拍片或兼任製片及導演,但褒貶不一,一度還被視為「票房毒藥」。1992,Kevin與黑人女歌手Whitney Houston合演電影《The Bodyguard》( 台譯:終極保鑣 ),極力說服Whitney翻唱Dolly Parton的《I Will Always Love You》( 但為好友 Linda Ronstadt的版本 )。而包含此曲的電影原聲帶,使得Whitney獲得三項「葛萊美」大獎及其它各音樂獎項,Whitney的演藝事業也因而再創高峰。

其實,自年輕時起,Kevin的內心即埋藏了一顆喜愛音樂的火種。2007,在第二任妻子的鼓勵下,終於在年過半百的52歲之齡,組成了Kevin Costner & Modern West樂團,演唱鄉村搖滾歌曲,樂團曾至土耳其及羅馬開過演唱會。2008,發行首張專輯《Untold Truths》,此首《The Angels Came Down》即收錄其中,專輯成績還算可以,至少有打進了排行榜 ( No.61 ),但專輯中另發行的3首單曲 ( 未含此曲 ),則是「全軍覆沒」。2012,此曲在Christian Digital Songs ( 基督數位歌曲 ) 排行榜獲得第8名,也是該樂團首支進榜的單曲,也或是因此曲於2011經重新灌錄 ( remaster ) 之故。

2012年4月,Kevin和他的Modern West樂團在一場紀念5名肯塔基子弟在阿富汗陣亡的音樂會上演唱此曲,並說道:當失去一個兒子、一個丈夫、一個女兒……,我們知道,一首歌並無法治癒它。但是,當天使降臨,這也是我們喜歡的想法,當我們的摯愛受苦至深時,天使會來照護他們,帶走他們的恐懼和痛苦,倘若可以接受這樣的想法,我們大家在晚上都可以睡得更安好些。

Walking all alone in the Southern rain
By graveyards and battlefields that blood still stains
Back to a time when the angels came
Walking all alone in the Southern rain
In the forests and the fields so many men were killed
I can hear their cries still echo through these hills
That was the time when the angels came
Walking all alone in the Southern rain
And the angels came down to the fallen men
And they held their hands as they prayed for them
They carried their souls beyond the moon and the sun
All the way to heaven one by one
The angels worked so hard for so many years
To heaven and back again they shed so many tears
They left no one and they placed no blame
Walking all alone in the Southern rain
And the angels came down to the fallen men
And they held their hands as they prayed for them
They carried their souls beyond the moon and the sun
All the way to heaven one by one
Walking all alone in the Southern rain
Never healed them troubles never healed that pain
But that was the time when the angels came
Walking all alone in the Southern Rain
Southern rain.

台長: 流浪阿狗
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