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老歌亂談(891)Bring It Down To Jelly Roll

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此首《Bring It Down To Jelly Roll》為前清水合唱團的主唱John Fogerty於1997所發行第5張個人專輯《Blue Moon Swamp》中的歌曲。專輯的成績相當不錯,在芬蘭及瑞典的專輯排行榜均奪得冠軍,在美國雖然只達到第26名,但在次年卻贏得了了一座「最佳搖滾專輯」的葛萊美獎。

歌名中的「Jelly Roll」,照字面的翻譯是「果凍捲」( 台灣較熟知的名詞為「瑞士捲」),但在美國南方俚語 ,此指男或女的性器官,或是性慾旺盛的男子等等的影射,而無論為何,主要也都是與「性」有關,此字彙也常出現在爵士或藍調歌曲中。但也有人認為,Jelly Roll是毒品海洛因的暗喻 ( 黑話),所舉的例句像是「momma said you got to get off the sweet jellyroll」、「jellyroll killed my pappy」、「I got a sweet jelly to satisfy my worried soul」等。另有人正面地認為,此曲其實是在向自稱是爵士樂的發明人Jelly Roll Morton (1890─1941) 致敬。John Fogerty自己則從未說明歌曲中Jelly Roll的意思,但「瑞士捲」真的好吃到能有歌詞中所形容的效果嗎?

Jelly Roll

有人認為,此曲容易使人聯想到滾石樂團的《Honky Tonk Women》,前奏確實是有那麼一點相似的味道。而John Fogerty在現場演唱中還兼彈平板滑音吉他,倒是首次所見。另,鼓手的表現也頗搶眼。

亂談(529)Hot Rod Heart

Well, if you want
To ease your mind
You just go on
Take it to the river
When you're down
Well, that's alright
You just bring it down to jelly roll

We're gonna run
A-jump and shout
We're gonna slide
Way back in the country
There's a place
Where they treat you right
You just bring it down to jelly roll

The little girls
Way down south
They got their way
Honey drippin' from their mouth
If you ever get some luck
You just bring it down to jelly roll

Now look at me
Lord, I ain't got a dime
But I can dance
Lord, I'm jumping all the time
I live honey, straight to the bone
You just bring it down to jelly roll
Well, if you want

To ease your mind
You just go on
Take it to the river
When you're down
Well, that's alright
You just bring it down to jelly roll

台長: 流浪阿狗
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