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老歌亂談(884)Come Sundown

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此首《Come Sundown》為美國歌手兼詞曲作家Kris Kristofferson所寫,收錄在他1970的首張專輯《Kristofferson》中,而有點難堪的是,此曲卻是由鄉村歌手Bobby Bare在同年將之唱紅,獲得鄉村榜的第7名。

不僅如此,在前述的專輯中,另有多首包含像《Help Me Make It Through the Night》、《Me and Bobby McGee》,也分別由Sammi Smith及Janis Joplin翻唱而成為經典歌曲。看來Kris Kristofferson對於歌曲的創作極具天份,但歌喉實在不怎麼樣。而即使如此,Kristofferson在1985仍參加了由Johnny Cash、Waylon Jennings和Willie Nelson幾位大牌鄉村歌手所組成的超級團體Highwayman,也使得他的「歌手」形象地位大為提昇。

The Highwayman


亂談(60) Help Me Make It Through the Night

亂談(528) Me and Bobby McGee


鄉村歌王 ( 台長封的 ) George Jones於1984所詮釋的版本
Kris Kristofferson於1979重錄的新版本,較為鄉村抒情風。

I heard the front door closing softly
As I awakened from my sleep
With the last touch of her kips, Lord
Like a whisper on my cheek
And I cursed the sun for risin'
'Cause the worst, Lord, was yet to come
'Cause this morning, she's just leavin'
But, come sundown, she'll be gone
See the lipstick on the pillow
That I placed beneath her head
And the soft sheets still feel warm, Lord
Where she lay upon my bed
And it hurts to know it's over
For the hurt, Lord, has just begun
'Cause this morning, she's just leavin'
But, come sundown, she'll be gone

台長: 流浪阿狗
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