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老歌亂談(885)Danger List

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藝名John Cougar的美國歌手John Mellencamp,某日在地下室的練團室聽見吉他手Larry Crane在彈一些和弦,他即將錄音機打開,並跟唱了30句的歌詞,之後再將不喜歡的部份剔除,這首《Danger List》於焉產生。

此曲收錄在John Cougar 1982的專輯《American Fool》中。此張專輯之前不僅唱片公司不看好,搞得連 Cougar自己也沒啥信心,未料發行後竟拿下了告示牌專輯排行榜的榜首,其中的《Jack and Diane》亦是為冠軍曲,另首《Hurts So Good》雖然只得到了第2名,卻為Cougar在1983贏得了一座「最佳搖滾男歌手」的葛萊美獎 ( 之後Cougar又陸續被提名過12次,唯均未獲獎。),Cougar當然也跟著鹹魚大翻身。有人認為,此張專輯中只有3首好歌 ( 另一首為《Hand to Hold On To / #19》),其餘歌曲皆為「填充料」。此說法未免過於主觀,音樂各有偏好,台長我就覺得3首之外的此曲也很不錯聽。

之前介紹過,John Mellencamp這位老兄在37歲時就當了「外公」。2011,Mellencamp和第3任妻子離婚後,開始和被譽為「美國甜心」的演員Meg Ryan ( 台灣影友應對她在1998與Tom Hanks合演的愛情喜劇片《You've Got Mail / 台譯:電子情書》有印象 ) 交往,歷經了3年,卻在2014的夏天宣布分手,而沒過幾個月,又透露倆人在10月復合;不知是天氣熱容易心浮氣燥還是怎樣,2015夏天倆人再度分開。這次,Mellencamp可沒再「單戀一枝花」,交上了超模Christie Brinkley,但好景不長,才短短一年,即和Christie告吹。令人意想不到的是,Mellencamp和Ryan竟然在2017再再次復合,而且在2018的11月訂婚,希望這次不要再生變了。呵呵!

John Mellencamp & Christie Brinkley

Meg Ryan and John Mellencamp sighting on October 14, 2013 in New York City

亂談(460)Hurts So Good

亂談(862)Wild Night

Office girls, they pass me by
They don't know my name
Put me on the danger list
Just too wild to tame

Take the drinks off of the table
Throw my guitar out the door
Set my sights on some new sunrise
Help my feet to the floor

I ain't looking for affection
I guess I need myself a shove
Give me someone I can look up too
Show me someone I can love

Good boys go to Heaven
Good girls say their prayers
Me, I don't say anything at all
I hope the Big Man still cares

Touch my soul with your religion
Cut my throat with your spite
Hurt me with your silence, girl
Stay with me, stay with me
Stay with me tonight

I ain't looking for affection
I guess I need myself a shove
Give me someone I can look up too
Show me someone I can love

I ain't looking for affection
I guess I need myself a shove
Give me someone I can look up too
Show me someone I can love

Don't go starin' at me
Makes me feel so insecure
Talk behind my back if you want to
I don't hear no more

Take me to my destination
Put me on the plane
Fly me up to Heaven, dear Lord
Take me home again

I ain't looking for affection
I guess I need myself a shove
Give me someone I can look up too
Show me someone I can love

I ain't looking for affection
I guess I need myself a shove
Give me someone I can look up too
Show me someone I can love

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(886)Stop Draggin' My Heart Around
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(884)Come Sundown

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