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2014-09-23 14:40:25| 人氣2,474| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(324)Listen To The Music

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這首《Listen To The Music》是美國搖滾樂團The Doobie Brothers第二張專輯中的歌曲,1972年11月獲得告示牌熱門百大第11名,也是該樂團的第一首暢銷熱門曲。自此之後,凡是該樂團的任何一場現場演唱會,這首歌必定會被安排在最後一首或是作為安可( encore )曲,已成為了一種固定的演出模式。

依據寫這首歌的該團吉他手兼主唱Tom Johnston描述,他寫這首歌的動機是是為了呼籲世界和平 ( World Peace )。他想像世界的各領導人,能夠聚集在某處碧草如茵的山崗,甚或其中有人剛吸飽了毒品,而大家一起坐下來聆聽音樂,暫時忘卻那些狗屁倒灶的事情,這世界不就會變成了一個更美好的地方?他也承認這想法太「烏托邦」及不切實際了,但當時覺得這似乎是個不錯的點子。


Don't you feel it growing, day by day
People getting ready for the news
Some are happy, some are sad
Oh, we got to let the music play
What the people need
Is a way to make 'em smile
It ain't so hard to do if you know how
Gotta get a message
Get it on through
Oh now mama, don't you ask me why

Whoa listen to the music
Whoa listen to the music
Whoa listen to the music
All the time

Well I know, you know better
Everything I say
Meet me in the country for a day
We'll be happy
And we'll dance
Oh, we're gonna dance our blues away
And if I'm feeling good to you
And you're feeling good to me
There ain't nothing we can't do or say
Feeling good, feeling fine
Oh, baby, let the music play


Like a lazy flowing river
Surrounding castles in the sky
And the crowd is growing bigger
Listening for the happy sounds
And I got to let them fly


台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(325)Kiss Me Quick
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