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老歌亂談(325)Kiss Me Quick

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這首《Kiss Me Quick》是貓王Elvis Presley在1962發行的專輯〈Pot Luck〉中的歌曲。此曲另以「Elvis Presley with The Jordanaires」的名義,以單曲在英國及歐洲發行,並盤踞排行榜冠軍達八週之久。

這算是一首平舖直敘的情歌,而歌詞中的一句 ---「Oh, that kiss will open heaven's door」,這個吻將開啟「天堂之門」?呵呵,滿引人遐思的。以下所選的版本,是覺得畫面編輯得還不錯。親愛的朋友們!你(妳)有多久沒有被吻了?或許可以轉貼這首歌給你(妳)的愛人聽。(笑!)

Kiss me quick, while we still have this feeling
Hold me close and never let me go
'Cause tomorrows can be so uncertain
Love can fly and leave just hurting
Kiss me quick because I love you so
Kiss me quick and make my heart go crazy
Sigh that sigh and whisper oh-so low
Tell me that tonight will last forever
Say that you will leave me never
Kiss me quick because I love you so

Let the band keep playing while we are swaying
Let's keep on praying that we'll never stop
Kiss me quick, just can't stand this waiting
'Cause your lips are lips I long to know
Oh, that kiss will open heaven's door
And we'll stay there forevermore
Kiss me quick because I love you so

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(326)Then He Kissed Me
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(324)Listen To The Music

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