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老歌亂談(1061)Loving Her Was Easier

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1985,美國4位知名「非法鄉村」的先驅歌手:Johnny Cash、Waylon Jennings、Willie Nelson及Kris Kristofferson組成了超級樂團The Highwayman,至1995共出過3張專輯,成績不差,分別為第1、4及42名,首支與樂團同名的單曲也奪得了排行榜的冠軍。

此首《Loving Her Was Easier(Than Anything I'll Ever Do Again)》( 愛她比我要再做的任何一件事都容易 ) 是Kris Kristofferson自寫自唱,1971獲得告示牌熱門榜第26名。Kristofferson的歌喉好像並不怎麼樣,他所寫的幾首經典歌曲像是:《Help Me Make It Through the Night》、《Me and Bobby McGee》、《For the Good Time》等,都是被其他歌手給唱紅的。此曲似乎也是,Tompall & the Glaser Brothers在1981翻唱,獲得鄉村榜第2名。但其實Waylon Jennings早在1971即已在電視節目公開演唱過此曲;Willie Nelson也甚是喜歡此曲,除了在1980的電影《Honeysuckle Rose》( 中譯:忍冬玫瑰 ) 中與Dyan Cannon合唱此曲,也在同年發行其個人的版本。


Kris Kristofferson與妻子Rita Coolidge於1978合唱的版本 ( 倆人於1973結婚,1980分手。),歌名改為《Loving You Was Easier》。


此為The Highwayman的現場演唱版本,Willie Nelson的吉他彈奏相當精彩,連Jennings都忍不住為之鼓掌。Nelson的吉他原為古典吉他 ( 另安裝拾音器 ),由於下方未有「護板」,竟然被他彈出一個破洞來,實在有夠厲害。


I've seen the morning burning golden on the mountains in the skies
Aching with the feeling of the freedom of an eagle when she flies
Turning on the world the way she smiles upon my soul as I lay diing
Healing with the colors of the sunshine and the shadow of her eyes

Waking in the morning to the feeling of her fingers on my skin
Wiping out the traces of the people and the places that I've been
Teaching me that yesterday was
Something that I never thought of trying
Talking about tomorrow and the money love and time we'd have to spend
Loving her was easier than anything I'll ever do again
Coming close together with a feeling
That I've never know before, in my time
She ain't afraid to be a woman or afraid to be a friend
I don't know the answer to the easy
Way she opens every door in my mind
Dreaming was as easy as believing it was never gonna end
Loving her was easier than anything I'll ever do again
Loving her was easier than anything I'll ever do again

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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