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老歌亂談(1062)There He Goes

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美國鄉村女歌手Loretta Lynn自1960出道,首支單曲即打進排行榜 ( No. 14 ),接下來的10年共有22首在排行榜Top 40,其中包含3首冠軍曲。1970,Lynn推出了她的自寫自唱曲《Coal Miner's Daughter》,除了更推動她邁向成功,也是她歌唱生涯中最重要的歌曲。

1979,Loretta Lynn的自傳音樂電影《Coal Miner's Daughter》( 台譯:礦工的女兒 ) 準備開拍,Lynn僅憑著相片就選中了歌手兼演員的Sissy Spacek ( 西西‧史派克 ) 來飾演她,但開始時Spacek並不想接此角色,還提出片中的歌曲要由她親自來唱,想說可嚇退對方 ( Spacek在當時也非籍籍無名之輩,1976曾以電影《Carrie》「台譯:魔女嘉莉」獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角提名,後此片在2013又重拍),詎料Lynn竟在電視節目中提前宣布Spacek將飾演她的訊息,此讓Spacek非常為難,因另有一部邀約她的電影將在同時間開拍。Spacek和先生開車至岳母家徵詢意見,岳母說妳就禱告請上蒼給妳個Sign吧!Spacek照做了,回家時才將車倒出車庫,車上的收音機竟然就播放出Lynn的《Coal Miner's Daughter》。

電影《Coal Miner's Daughter》推出後是叫好又叫座,不僅票房大賣美金6700多萬 ( 預算才1500萬 ),還獲得奧斯卡金像獎7項提名,而最後只有Sissy Spacek獲得最佳女主角獎,也是Spacek目前唯一的一座奧斯卡獎。但包含金球獎,Spacek也因此片獲得了不少其他獎項。而且如Spacek所願,影片中相關的歌曲都由她親自上陣。

1961,已是紅歌星的Patsy Cline從收音機中聽到Loretta Lynn翻唱她的《I Fall to Pieces》,立即請她的先生開車去載Lynn來認識一下,倆人很快的成為好友,Cline不僅在表演上給Lynn許多經驗意見,在生活上也幫忙Lynn添購衣服及家中的窗簾等等 ( Lynn當時才剛出道,經濟條件顯然有限。),Lynn甚至說她至今仍保存Cline送給她做工精美的內衣,可見倆人友情親密的程度。這也是在影片中呈現當年Lynn有多首都是翻唱Cline的歌曲,也包含此首Cline於1961首錄發行的《There He Goes》。Patsy Cline最紅的歌曲當推1961的《Crazy》,該曲為上一篇介紹的Willie Nelson所寫 ( 頗令台長感到意外 )。1963,Patsy Cline作秀後搭機返家,因天候不佳發生空難,僅享年30歲。

在《礦》片中飾演Lynn先生的是Tommy Lee Jones。


The Band( 樂隊合唱團 )的鼓手Levon Helm在《礦》片中飾演Lynn的父親,此首《Blue Moon of Kentucky》為Levon Helm在影片中的版本,此曲除了和Lynn的家鄉Kentucky相關外,Patsy Cline亦曾翻唱過。

《There He Goes》

Here's one that they put on the record
Kind of a slow ballad
Done right well for us
There he goes, he's walkin' away
Each step he takes brings heartaches my way
She won his heart, I lost him someway
He's walkin' away
If I hadn't cheated and I hadn't lied
I'd be the one walkin' by his side
I love him still and I guess that it shows
He's walkin' away, there he goes
Oh, if I hadn't cheated and I hadn't lied
I'd be the one walkin' by his side
I love him still and I guess that it shows
He's walkin' away, there he goes

《Blue moon of Kentucky》

Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and proved untrue
Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and left me blue
It was on a moonlight night
The stars were shining bright
And they whispered from on high
Your love has said good-bye
Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and said good-bye
Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and proved untrue
Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and left me blue
It is on a moonlight night
The stars shining bright
They whispered from high
Your love has said good-bye
Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and said good-bye

台長: 流浪阿狗
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