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老歌亂談(1060)Farmer's Blues

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此曲收錄在美國鄉村歌手Marty Stuart於2003發行的專輯《Country Music》中。為錄此專輯,Marty組了個小樂隊稱之為The Fabulous Superlatives,該樂隊一直隨Marty巡演、錄音及在Marty的電視節目中作為表演班底迄今。該專輯雖獲致了商業上的成功,但Marty似乎並不開心,且認為若是妄想此成為暢銷專輯會讓他感到愧疚,或許是專輯的成績只獲得第40名,才說出這種讓自己下台階的話吧!

Marty Stuart & His Fabulous Superlatives

說起Marty Stuart,不得不提他在12歲時所發的宏願,是當時 ( 1971) 在家鄉看了女歌手Connie Smith的演唱表演,回家對媽媽說將來要娶她。Connie Smith早在1964即以一首《Once a Day》拿下鄉村榜的冠軍並獲得葛萊美最佳鄉村女歌手的提名 ( 未獲獎 ),Marty這種在年幼看似「乞丐許大願」的夢想,竟然在1997成真,將大他17歲的Connie抱回家當新娘,倆人恩愛至今。

Connie Smith 1965

Connie & Marty 2016

此曲合唱的Merle Haggard也算是位傳奇人物,由於父親早逝,少年時多次進出感化院。1958,21歲時終因強盜罪被關進San Quentin ( 聖昆丁 ) 監獄服刑,由於受到歌手Johnny Cash入獄表演的感召,Merle Haggard重拾吉他 ( 入獄前曾有些表演經驗 ),1960出獄後洗心革面,開始走上音樂之路。1969,推出一首《Okie From Muskogee》( Okie即是上一篇所提到Oklahoma因受到塵暴致土地貧瘠,而不得不向其他地方發展的農民的俗稱,Muskogee為「奧」州的一個城市,也是
Merle Haggard的故鄉) ,歌曲反對吸食大麻、服用迷幻藥、反反越戰及唾棄嬉皮的行為,而成為英雄人物。1972,州長雷根撤銷了其所有的犯罪紀錄,可謂是「浪子回頭」的典範之一。2016,Merle Haggard因肺癌過世,享年79歲。

此首《Farmer's Blues》的作者是由Marty和老婆Connie共同掛名。歌曲道出了農民靠天吃飯的辛酸和憂鬱。還好這兩天的「烟花」颱風沒有直接襲台,否則可能又有一堆農民要對著被摧殘的作物發愁了。

亂談(10) Okie From Muskogee / Merle Haggard

亂談(705)The Hurtin's All Over / Connie Smith



Who'll buy my wheat
Who'll buy my corn
To feed my babies when they're born
Seeds and dirt A prayer for rainThat I can use
I work the land I watch the sky
I talk to God and wonder why
But it's the only like I knowThese farmer's blues
I see the seasons come and go
Sendin' rain, fire, and snow
I'm at the mercy of it all This life I choose
Sometimes I hang my head and cry
When that evenin' train goes by
Wish it could take me far away These farmer's blues
The tractor's old The fence is down
Put on my suit and go to town
Ask for a loanAnd I know wellThey might refuse
Back at home Still by my side
The one I loveWith worried eyes
Waits for meTo love awayThese farmer's blues
I see the seasons come and go
Sendin' rain, fire, and snow
I'm at the mercy of it all This life I choose
Sometimes I hang my head and cry
When that evenin' train goes by
Wish it could take me far away These farmer's blues
U r the one
Holy.o Holy, holy.ei holy.

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1061)Loving Her Was Easier
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1059)My Oklahoma Home

2021-07-25 17:36:05
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