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老歌亂談(1059)My Oklahoma Home

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2006,被稱為「工人皇帝」的美國歌手Bruce Springsteen推出了他第14張的錄音室專輯《We Shall Over Come:The Seeger Sessions》,此是Springsteen迄今首張完全沒有出自他個人素材創作的專輯,其中Springsteen重新演譯了民謠音樂家Pete Seeger的13首歌曲。此專輯在告示牌排行榜奪得第3名,也在2007贏得了一座「最佳傳統民謠專輯」的葛萊美獎。

Pete Seeger是位行動派的歌手,畢生的志業主要在普遍化及推廣地方倫理,將歷史音樂的影響及在文化意義上的認同經由民謠音樂來體現。此曲為Anges "Sis" Cunningham與她的兄弟Bill所合寫,講的是30年代Oklahoma州所發生的Dust bowl ( 塵暴事件 – 表土層被颶風吹走,露出沙土層,整大片區域形成像是個碗狀的沙漠。) ,摧毀了上百萬英畝農田、農作的故事。1961由Pete Seeger錄唱,而若不是被Springsteen再翻出來重唱,此曲恐早已被人遺忘。


Bruce Springsteen錄製上述的專輯,並未用到其專屬樂隊E Street Band ( 哈哈,老婆Patti Scialfa除外 ),而是找了一個不怎麼知名的團體 ( 曾受邀至他的農場表演過 ) 中的幾位及他們的朋友組成了所謂的The Sessions Band,除了錄音,也在一些現場表演中出現。Springsteen的版本,當然有加上一些他自己的搖滾味,但因歌曲時間較長,一般電台DJ大概都不會播放,而較適合在現場演唱。

Mike Denver是愛爾蘭的鄉村歌手,應是在2015左右翻唱此曲。以下所貼的版本,影音畫面是2016英國Monaghan鄉村音樂節的現場集錦。該音樂節舉辦期間 ( 4天 ),每日都會邀請歌手現場表演,Mike Denver也在受邀之列。最後一天還舉行Jiving舞競賽,此舞由吉力巴舞 ( Jitterbug ) 演變而來,有譯為「捷舞」。Denver的版本更具「鄉村味」,流暢輕快,但反而有些感受不出家被塵暴吹走的哀愁。




When they opened up the strip
I was young and full of zip
I wanted someplace to call my home
And so I made the race
And I staked me out a place
And I settled down along the Cimarron
It blowed away
It blowed away
My Oklahoma home it blown away
Well it looked so green and fair
When I built my shanty there
Now my Oklahoma home is blown away
Well I planted wheats and oats
Got some chickens and some shoats
Aimed to have some ham and eggs to feed my face
Got a mule to pull the plow
Got an old red muley cow
And I also got a fancy mortgage on this place
Well it blowed away
It blowed away
All the crops that I've planted blown away
Well you can't grow any grain
It you ain't got any rain
Everything except my mortgage blown away
Well it looked so green and fair
When I built my shanty there
I figured I was all set for life
I put on my Sunday best, with my fancy scalloped vest
And I went to town to pick me out a wife
She blowed away
She blowed away
My Oklahoma woman blowed away
Mister as I bent to kiss her
She was picked up by a twister
My Oklahoma woman blown away
Well then I was left alone just listenin' to the moan
Of wind around the corners of my shack
So I took off down the road yeah
When the south wind blowed
I traveled with the wind upon my back
I blowed away
I blowed away
Chasin' that dust cloud up ahead
Once it looked so green and fair
Now it' up in the air
My Oklahoma farm is over head.
Well now I'm always close to home it blown away
But my home Sir, is always near
It's up in the atmosphere
My Oklahoma home is blown away
Well I'm roam'n Oklahoman
But I'm always close to home
I'll never get homesick until I die
'Cause no matter where I'm found
My home's all arraound
My Oklahoma home is in the sky
It blowed away
It blowed away
My farm down on Cimarron
Now all around the world
Where ever dust is swirled
There is some from my Oklahoma home
Oh and it's blown away
It's blown away
Oh my Oklahoma home is blown away
Yeah, it's up there in the sky
In that dust cloud over n' by
My Oklahoma home is in the sky

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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