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老歌亂談(431)Say You Love Me

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Fleetwood Mac ( 彿利伍麥克 ) 是1967年成立的英國樂團,初期以藍調曲風為主,受到歌迷歡迎而頗具聲名。Christine McVie原為Chicken Shack樂團的成員,由於經常和Fleetwood Mac一起作秀,認識了Bass手John McVie,因此於1970加入了Fleetwood Mac成為鍵盤手,同年也與John McVie結為夫妻。

1974年,Fleetwood Mac移赴美國 ( 加州 ) 發展,但因吉他手離團,只剩下鼓手Mick Fleetwood及McVie夫婦三人,在當地招募新吉他手時,遇到了才華洋溢的Lindsey Buckingham,但他的條件是要讓女友Stevie Nicks也一起加入,而之後也就是這五個人再創了Fleetwood Mac音樂事業的高峰。但故事精彩的是,Lindsey Buckingham和女友Stevie Nicks於1976分手,McVie夫婦則在1978離婚,鼓手Fleetwood也在同時期與妻子離異,並還傳出曾與Stevie Nicks短暫約會。在相互感情關係錯綜複雜的情況下,五人還能若無其事的同台演唱,也不可謂是不厲害的了。當然,後來Lindsey Buckingham、Stevie Nicks和Christine McVie三人還是先後離團,但奇妙的是,1997此五人又合在一起 ( 其中Christine McVie自1998不再參與巡迴演唱,但於2014歸隊迄今。),或許是認為五人合體力量大,也或許是難忘人生中那段最輝煌燦爛的時光吧!

這首《Say You Love Me》是Christine McVie所寫,收錄於1975與樂隊同名的專輯《Fleetwood Mac》中。由於此曲的成功 ( Billboard Hot 100 / #11 ),連帶也使得專輯的銷售量在全世界超過了8百萬張。有人認為這首歌的內容是想要戒離毒品藥物,也有人認為是不正常的男女關係,無論如何,這都算是一首訴說「哀怨」的歌曲,且由Christine McVie淡淡的低沈的嗓音唱來,頗能讓聽者產生一些共鳴。這也是Fleetwood Mac樂隊膾炙人口的歌曲之一。

Christine McVie

Have mercy, baby on a poor girl like me,
You know I'm falling, falling, falling, at your feet,
I'm tingling right from my head to my toes,
So help me, help me, help me make the feeling go.

'Cause when the loving starts, and the lights go down,
And there's not another living soul around,
Then you woo me until the sun comes up,
And you say that you love me.

Have pity baby,
Just when I thought it was over,
Now you got me running, running, running for cover.
I'm begging you for a little sympathy,
And if you use me again it'll be the end of me.

'Cause when the loving starts, and the lights go down,
There's not another living soul around,
You woo me until the sun comes up,
And you say that you love me.

Baby, baby, hope you're going to stay away,
'Cause I'm getting weaker, weaker, everyday,
I guess I'm not as strong as I used to be,
And if you use me again it'll be the end of me.

'Cause when the loving starts, and the lights go down,
There's not another living soul around,
You woo me until the sun comes up,
And you say that you love me.

'Cause when the loving starts, and the lights go down,
Yhere's not another living soul around,
You woo me until the sun comes up,
And you say that you love me.
Say that you love me
Say that you love me

Fallin' fallin' fallin'
Fallin' fallin' fallin'
Fallin' fallin' fallin'
Fallin' fallin' fallin'
Fallin' fallin' fallin'

台長: 流浪阿狗
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