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老歌亂談(430)Early Morning Rain

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此曲為加拿大歌手兼詞曲作家Gordon Lightfoot於1964所寫,並收錄於其1966的首張專輯《Lightfoot》中,但卻被同為加拿大夫妻檔歌手Lan & Sylvia於1965率先發行,且以此曲歌名作為他們專輯的名稱。

此曲講述的是漂泊異鄉的失意潦倒男子,在機場看著波音707起飛,而衍生的一些心中感慨,再搭配上是下著雨的清晨,更增添了一些落魄的悽涼。而有趣的是,以往一些阮囊羞澀的異鄉遊子,都是在火車站附近徘徊,看能否搭上一輛免費的貨運火車返家。此曲將場景拉到了飛機場,但能偷搭上免費貨機的機會則是微乎其微。據說Gordon Lightfoot是在寫歌的前幾年,在洛杉磯機場遇到一位朋友而產生的靈感。

此曲經多位歌手翻唱,而銷售成績最佳的應是Peter, Paul and Mary三重唱,也是該時期唯一進入告示牌熱門100排行榜( # 91 ) 的版本。貓王Elvis Presley亦在1973演唱此曲,而受到Gordon Lightfoot的關注,Gordon很想能和貓王見上一面,但始終未能如願。對於Bob Dylan也翻唱此曲,Gordon內心非常感激,他說:『當時我尚未有何暢銷熱門曲,由於Bob Dylan的翻唱,也開始讓人們認知到我也能寫出好歌。』

1975,Gordon Lightfoot重錄此曲,並收錄於其合輯《Gord's Gold》中。

In the early mornin' rain
With a dollar in my hand
And an aching in my heart
And my pockets full of sand
I'm a long ways from home
And I missed my loved one so
In the early mornin' rain
With no place to go

Out on runway number nine
Big seven o seven set to go
Well I'm out here on the grass
Where the pavement never grows
Where the liquor tasted good
And the women all were fast
There she goes my friend
She's rolling out at last

Hear the mighty engines roar
See the silver wing on high
She's away and westward bound
For above the clouds she flies
Where the mornin' rain don't fall
And the sun always shines
She'll be flying over my home
In about three hours time

This ol' airport's got me down
It's no earthly good to me
Cause I'm stuck here on the ground
Cold and drunk as I might be
Can't jump a jet plane
Like you can a freight train
So I best be on my way
In the early mornin' rain
So I best be on my way
In the early mornin' rain
So I best be on my way
In the early mornin' rain

台長: 流浪阿狗
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